Prepare your pet for post lockdown life

Prepare your pet for post lockdown life

Prepare your pet for post lockdown life


As the lockdown around the country begins a phased relaxation, we are witnessing many returning to their old jobs. As we gradually return to the life we're used to living, we need to prepare our pets to move away from the life they've now got used to.

As the lockdown around the country begins a phased relaxation, we are witnessing many returning to their old jobs. As we gradually return to the life we're used to living, we need to prepare our pets to move away from the life they've now got used to.

"Our pets have gotten used to having us around the house all day for almost 6 months, and now that this is going to change, pet parents need to take steps to ensure this shift is easy on their beloved charges," says Devanshi Shah, founder, Petkonnect.

She shares some tips with to help you prepare your pet for this change.

Preparing for a loud environment

We have all grown quite fond of the beautiful silence of nature, that everyone has had the pleasure of enjoying these last months. From the pollution free skies, to the return of wildlife like we haven't seen in a while; I'm sure you've enjoyed the lovely song of birds chirping. The same goes for our pets, many of whom may now find the old sounds of a busy street quite startling if not scary.

To prepare them for these noises, we need to start gradually exposing our pets to the outside world again. Shortening the walk or play time is advisable, as it allows them to experience these noises in smaller doses. What is also very important is to keep all pets leashed. A sudden loud noise like a car horn could frighten an animal, causing it to run off in fear. At this point a leash will ensure you're not chasing your pet down a long road!

Training for Independence

I feel I can say, with great confidence, that our co-dependency with our pets has greatly risen during the lockdown. Not only have they loved to have us at home all the time, but we too have loved to grab them for a good cuddle to fight the lockdown blues. It's time we started giving them some space, so they get used to being alone again. Try keeping your pet alone in a room in a house for an hour or two a day. Increase the number of hours gradually, so they learn to start enjoying their own company once again. Try to begin this practice a few weeks before returning to work.

Tire them out

There is no substitute for a good workout. As you return to your life of work, I would urge pet parents to set that alarm a little early. Maybe try getting up an hour or half an hour earlier than usual, and get in a morning walk or play session with your pets. This morning exercise will tire your pets, and have a very positive impact on reducing any form of anxiety your pet may feel during the course of the day. They'll also be very grateful to you for making the extra effort to show your affection to them.

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