Diabetes and hypertension could steal your eyesight

Diabetes and hypertension could steal your eyesight

Ageing coupled with diabetes and hypertension can seriously impact eyesight warned Dr Malika Goyal, senior consultant, vitreo-retinal surgeon, Apollo Hospitals. She was speaking at the Public Garden Walkers\' Association meet in Nampally. “Diabetes causes blockage of blood supply to the retina which leads to formation of abnormal blood vessels that burst causing internal bleeding, retinal detachment and blindness.

Ageing coupled with diabetes and hypertension can seriously impact eyesight warned Dr Malika Goyal, senior consultant, vitreo-retinal surgeon, Apollo Hospitals. She was speaking at the Public Garden Walkers' Association meet in Nampally. “Diabetes causes blockage of blood supply to the retina which leads to formation of abnormal blood vessels that burst causing internal bleeding, retinal detachment and blindness.

Blindness can be prevented by retinal laser when abnormal vessels start forming. Retina check every year is essential for every diabetic so that laser can be done at the right time,” said the doctor. “India has 25 per cent of the world's diabetics and is the leading cause of blindness among adults 25 – 74 years of age. Up to 20-40 per cent patients have some degree of retinopathy at diagnosis of diabetes.

Persons with diabetic retinopathy are 29 times more likely to be blind than non-diabetic persons. The duration of diabetes is a strongest predictor for development and progression of retinopathy. The overall rate of retinal complications is decreased by 25 per cent in patients receiving intensive therapy. People with severe retinopathy can reduce their risk of blindness by 95 percent with timely treatment,” advised Malika.

Hypertension and retina High blood pressure damages the inner lining of blood vessels causing closure of blood supply and damage to organs. In retina it can cause closure of central retinal artery leading to sudden death of the retina and permanent vision loss. Blockage of blood supply to optic nerve causes loss of the nerve tissue with sudden vision loss. Retina and optic nerve cannot be replaced, hence these conditions cannot be treated.

Closure of retinal veins, the outflow channels, causes increased back pressure leading to leakage, bleeding and swelling of retina (macular edema). Treatment is with retinal lasers to arrest vision loss, bleeding and retinal detachment. Swelling of the retina is treated with eye injections of avastin or lucentis or steroids (tricort or ozurdex implant) every 1-3 months.

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