Towards A Life Of Joy

Towards A Life Of Joy

They say happiness cures most health problems. And if it’s not a problem state for you, here’s how to be happy and stay happy.

They say happiness cures most health problems. And if it’s not a problem state for you, here’s how to be happy and stay happy.

Everybody wants it. Some claim to sell it. Nobody seems to have mastered the formula. There are books telling us about how to be peppy, retail outlets that promise to make the blues disappear and entire industries devoted to putting a smile on your face. Yes, happiness is the most prized possessions and coveted commodity of our times. It’s not just the feel good factor; happiness seems to have almost magical properties for health as well.

A long life, immunity and ability to handle crisis smoothly are all perks of a happy outlook towards life. It even makes out heart function smoother. But does that put grouchy folk at a disadvantage? The good news is that happiness can be cultivated. Just as we have the potential to experience immense misery, despair, and angst, we also have the potential for limitless happiness.

According to latest research, while external stressors like rocky relationships, work anxieties or even traffic jams affect our mood, we still control about 40-50 percent of our happiness. All of our five senses can be stimulated to alert our moods and enhance positive hormones. Happiness is hard to define it measure but there are ways to manipulate your brain to feel happy using w simple tricks backed by science of course. What are you waiting for? Put on a happy face.


CHocolate, strawberry, ice cream, French bread, banana, avocado and whole grain products are mood foods. Foods high in protein contain an amino acid called tyrosine, which increases levels of chemicals responsible for excitement and alertness. If you’re watching your weight, you can benefit from low calorie mood boosters like kiwi banana, sour cherry, pine apple, tomato, and plum, all of which are rich in serotonin, a chemical that promotes a happy feeling. Tryptophan, a precursor of serotonin, is found in red meat, dairy products, nuts, seeds, soy products, tuna, shell fish and turkey.


Anyone with a good sense of security, with deep, fulfilling relationships is bound to be happier than loners. But you don’t necessarily have to be gregarious for it. Introverts with rock solid friendships, a cosy marital life and a close connection with their family fare better on the happy meter. Building friendly relations at work is also vital to a feeling of well being, as we spend so much of our time at the office. A New research by the American Psychological Association says those with a good support system at work are happier and live longer


Sunlight not only helps your body make some crucial vitamin D, but it also helps the production of happy hormones. Spending most of your time indoors can make one gloomy. Regular exercise are good ways to release endorphins( natural pain and stress fighters). Breathing exercises go hand in hand with these, as they calm the nerves. This is why in moments of panic we are often told to take deep breath before we react. Try inhaling through your nose and exhaling slowly from the mouth when you feel low.


If music can soothe the savage beast, it’s bound to work for you, too, right? From reducing stress in cardiac patients to helping you think creatively, a few bars can do wonders. Listening to happy music makes you perceive the world as a better place.


A lot of us smoke to de stress, but that eventually leads to a nicotine addiction. There are symptoms of depression in people who try to kick the habit. But those who do manage to quit experience a mood lift.

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