True Seeking

Update: 2018-09-15 05:30 IST

Unfortunately, with the majority of the so-called spiritual seekers in almost all religions, just clinging to a certain belief has become everything. To be on the spiritual path means that you have not made a conclusion about the end, you are seeking. To be a seeker means, you want to know. You do not know what is the end. One can seek only when one does not know. If he assumes the end is God or mukti or this or that, then there is no seeking. 


But unfortunately, most seekers in the world have made their conclusion about what is the end, and then they seek. So that means you are seeking something that you have created. If you want to seek what you have created, there is no need to seek. It is very simple. You just create whatever you want. But this kind of false spiritual seeking is going on in the world on a massive scale. It has become such a huge affair that if you as much as utter a word against it, it amounts to blasphemy, it amounts to being irreligious. It amounts to being an atheist.

No true seeking can happen if one assumes what is at the other end. One does not know, only then his seeking is truly genuine. One can only take the next step and see what is happening with himself. Within and around us, many processes are active. If you convert mud into food, we call this agriculture. If you convert food into shit, we call this digestion. If you convert or transform a stone into the Divine, then we call it consecration. Like this, there are many processes happening around us. 

The spiritual process is a process of inner consecration, to transform this flesh and bone into a much higher possibility. You do not know what is the ultimate possibility, but you know that the same flesh and bone can function in different dimensions. It can be just a mass of flesh, it can become joy, love, hatred, misery - so many things. Spiritual process means constantly transforming what you call as "myself" right now, whatever that is, into a higher possibility. What is the ultimate possibility, if you assume that this is it, then the process is destroyed. This does not mean that you can go only step by step. You can simply take a leap. 

Most people go step by step - in installments - because trust in the process comes in installments. But if you stay with the process for a certain period of time, if you are willing to intensify life within you to whatever possible pitch you can right now, then it is not necessary to go step by step. One can just jump into enlightenment. There are really no steps as such. If you stop aspiring for anything in particular,but are just willing to be intense about everything in your life, then the whole path becomes so much simpler. 

-Sadhguru, Isha Foundation



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