Merlin’s Beard!

Update: 2018-09-02 05:30 IST

Growing a beard is one of the style statements this season, but somewhere along the way, there are various problems like dryness, itchiness and many more which arise. While some are unavoidable, men are unaware of many common mistakes when it comes to grooming one’s beard. 

Here are the five common mistakes, which men tend to do while growing a beard.


Not washing it regularly: Just like our skin and scalp, your beard requires regular wash to maintain it in a hygienic manner. With hours of commute in heat and pollution leaves the settlement of dust and dirt in the beard. Regular cleansing helps in maintain the lustre and texture of the beard. Remember that the facial skin beneath the beard is sensitive; hence avoid using head-hair shampoos on your beard as it will leave the skin feeling sore and painful.

Colouring the greys: Signs of grey hair could ruin that uber cool, lumberjack vibe. This leads to many men applying hair colours and dyes on their beard hair to maintain the style paving way for rashes, itchiness and irritation of the skin. As the facial hair is coarser and has a different porosity when compared to cranial hair, it is important to use specially curated products to maintain the colour of one’s beard and moustache. 

Trimming without care: For most beard lovers, getting trimming right is a fundamental step in sporting the right stubble. But behold, this is not the easiest thing to master. Trimming too much off is one of the common mistakes that men do by not being careful. This often ends up with them shaving the whole beard off and starting again. So how should you shape your facial hair? Your hair appears longer when it is dry. Hence, pat it dry before a trim and always remember to trim in small amounts. 

Not using beard oil: Itchiness and dryness are common problems of growing a beard. While we do want to keep up with the pace of the growth, it is important to maintain the health of the skin beneath the beard. Beard oil is the perfect solution to this problem as it helps moisture the skin under, reduced itchiness and makes it easier to maintain. Not just that, regular usage of beard oil sure helps it grow healthier and shinier and fuller.

Neglecting moustache: While focusing on the beard is important, do not neglect the moustache. A moustache adds that extra glam to your beard and hence it is important to take the right amount of care. A combination of the comb-trim-wax regime will definitely help your moustache grow a long way! 

- Sayuj, Category Head – Indica



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