40% of cancers caused due to poor oral hygiene at Vasavya Nursing Home

Update: 2019-07-07 01:38 IST
Dental Surgeon Dr N Sashidhar speaking on ‘Oral hygiene’ in health education programme at Vasavya Nursing Home in Vijayawada on Saturday

Vijayawada: Poor oral hygiene might result in various health complications, said noted dentist Dr N Sashidhar while addressing the health education programme on 'Oral Hygiene' at Vasavya Nursing Home here on Saturday with Dr G Samaram in the chair. "If one takes proper care of oral hygiene, the health would be in perfect condition," the dentist said.


Dr Sashidhar said that 40 per cent of the cancers were related to oral hygiene. "The habits including heavy use of betel nut powder, pan parag, zarda, Khaini, gutka, chewing of tobacco and smoking are the culprits which cause oral cancer." He regretted that several youths were falling prey to such habits of smoking and gutka.

He said that 50 per cent of middle-aged persons in the country suffer from bleeding gums, bad smell from mouth, loose teeth and losing them later. "Taking minor precautions, all these could be averted to keep the teeth intact," the dentist advised.

It is always better to bite hard fruits like guaua, and almond and other dry fruits to provide good exercise to the gums, he said. "At the time of brushing, it would be better the gums are given good massage with fingers," he said. Everyone should visit a dentist once in six months to get scaling of teeth done to avoid problem to gums.

The dentist said poor oral hygiene was resulting in decayed teeth. Even two-year old children were suffering from decayed teeth due to overeating of chocolates, he pointed out. The dentist advised people to wash the mouth with water immediately after eating and brush the teeth before sleeping in night.

Referring to the latest technology in dental surgery, he said one need not lose teeth because of decay and added root canal could be done to save teeth. The dentist advised people to know about dental science and save their teeth before it is too late Dr G Maru proposed a vote of thanks.



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