Adari Anand Kumar launches free tailoring training program in 59 ward

Update: 2024-02-29 20:06 IST

The YSRCP Western Constituency Coordinator, Mr. Adari Anand Kumar, initiated a free tailoring training program for women in the 59th Ward of Himachalnagar on Thursday morning. The program was organized under the supervision of Ward Corporator Purre Purna, Mr. Suresh, and Ward President Revalla Satyanarayana.

Mr. Kumar emphasized the importance of women's economic growth in the development of the country, state, and families. He stated that financial independence is essential for women and highlighted the various programs undertaken by Chief Minister Jaganmohan Reddy for the empowerment of women.


The Chief Minister's efforts towards the advancement of women were praised during the event. Mr. Kumar encouraged the participants to utilize the free tailoring training program to gain employment for themselves and create job opportunities for others.

Notable attendees at the event included YSRTUC President Purre Suresh, Teacher Kaki Gauri Reddy, and several other leaders and members of the YSRCP. The program attracted a large number of participants, including fans and women from the community.




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