Adari Anand Kumar offeres free english training in Visakhapatnam

Update: 2024-02-07 12:09 IST

Adari Anand Kumar, Visakha West Constituency MLA Candidate and Chairman of APMSMEDC, in collaboration with Dr. Medha Chiranjeevi, an internationally recognized expert in motivational seminars and personality development training, is offering free English tuition for the welfare of young men and women in our constituency.

This program aims to provide an opportunity for students, unemployed individuals, employees, businessmen, housewives, and anyone who wishes to speak English fluently. All you need is a mobile phone to participate in our online training sessions.


Under the guidance of Dr. Medha Chiranjeevi, you will learn to speak English wonderfully. To further aid your learning, Adari Anand Kumar will provide Dr. Chiranjeevi's excellent study material, the book 'Easy English', free of cost.

We believe that English language skills can open doors to various opportunities, and we are committed to helping you achieve this goal. The welfare of our young residents is our top priority, and we believe that this initiative can contribute to their personal and professional growth.

To apply for the free English tuition program, please visit the application link The last date for applications is 12 February 2024.

For more information, please feel free to contact us at the following phone numbers: 9000818467 / 9000938467.



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