Amaravati: CS Neelam Sawhney inspects arrangements at Disha Police Station

Update: 2020-02-03 23:07 IST

Amaravati: Chief Secretary Neelam Sawhney held a review meeting with the officials at the Secretariat here on Monday regarding the arrangements being made for the inauguration of Disha police station and release of the Special-App to be launched by Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy at Rajamahendravaram on February 7.

The chief secretary informed the officials concerned that the Chief Minister would inaugurate the first Disha police station one-stop centre and release the App specially made for women on February 7 at Rajahmundry.


Later, in a programme at the Adikavi Nannaya University, Special-App for the Disha Act and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) would also be launched.

A training for the police, medical and health officials, one-stop centre staff, public prosecutors, forensic staff, physicians and students would also be conducted.

She instructed the officials of departments concerned to conduct the programme foolproof with the coordination of the district officials of departments concerned and under the leadership of the district collector.

Principal secretaries of Home and Woman and Child Welfare, CID additional DGP Sunil Kumar, secretary of Law department Manohar Reddy, Disha Act special police officer Deepika and others were present on the occasion.  



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