Anantapur: Collector Gandham Chandrudu promises N-95 masks for medical staff

Update: 2020-04-10 01:16 IST
District Collector Gandham Chandrudu holding a meeting with the doctors and junior doctors at Government General Hospital in Anantapur on Thursday

Anantapur: District Collector Gandham Chandrudu on Thursday held a meeting with the doctors and junior doctors in the context of junior doctors protesting against non-supply of protective masks and sanitisers.

He assured the participants of supplying all the protective kits they needed to function by standing in the frontline and attending to COVID-19 victims.


He said top priority is being given by him to make the doctors feel save in their war against the dreaded virus. A special quarantine facility for doctors and their family members and isolation centres with all facilities will be extended to the doctors community, he made it clear and added all doctors will be given N-95 masks to protect from coronavirus. The junior doctors told the Collector that they cannot continue their services in an unprotected environment. He assured them of all the best facilities in their work spots, even in all primary health centres.



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