Anantapur police set a record in tracing the Coronavirus contacts in the district

Update: 2020-04-29 13:55 IST
The police Collecting details from those staying in the home quarantine of an apartment in Anantapur

Coronavirus in Anantapur: As the coronavirus is fast spreading across the state, the police have been on their toes who are striving hard to trace out the coronavirus patients and contacts. Meanwhile, Anantapur district police stand top in tracing out the COVID-19 contacts in the state. DGP Damodar Gautam Sawang also praised the work of the district police during a recent district visit.


Two positive cases were reported in the district on March 29 this year. Since then, SP Satyasubabu has advised the staff to chalk out a plan and deployed more than 4,000 police officers to implement lockdown and trace the contacts of the virus. Besides, two technical teams in Anantapur and Hindupuram headed by the DSP, the CI and the SI have also been tasked to trace the contacts.

The people who have been in contact with corona affected people are placed in quarantine for 14 days. Based on the 54 cases of Covid Positive cases registered so far, 985 primary and 1451 secondary contacts have been collected and moved to quarantine. If they are found to be positive, they will be taken to Covid hospitals and Isolation hospitals with the help of 108. As many as 4,710 people have moved to quarantine in the district so far. This includes 1451 secondary contacts in the Home Quarantine. The rest of them took tougher measures to prevent the corona from spreading in the quarantines, which includes 1,075 international returnees.

"Contact tracing has been successful since February this year as part of the coronavirus containment program; we have set up special teams to identify positive case contacts and made thousands of contact tracing and moved to Covid hospitals and quarantines. We are achieving the same plan with good results," SP asserted.

Meanwhile, Anantapur reported four cases in last twenty-four hours taking the tally to 58 and cumulative of 1332 cases were reported in the state with an increase of 73 new cases



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