AP High Court division bench adjourns SEC petition over Panchayat elections to January 18

Update: 2021-01-12 18:27 IST

AP High Court

It is knew that the State Election Commission has gone to the Division Bench on the judgment of the High Court suspending the panchayat election schedule in Andhra Pradesh. A division bench, which recently held a hearing on the matter, adjourned the hearing to January 18. SEC has released the panchayat election schedule on the 8th of this month.


The state government, however, had approached the high court seeking to halt the process as the elections could not be held in the interest of public health. The court, which heard the case on Monday, ruled in favour of the state government and has decided to suspend the election schedule in view of covid vaccination from the 16th of this month.

Meanwhile, the SEC has sacked the Election Commission Secretary on Tuesday and wrote a letter to the Andhra Pradesh chief secretary Adityanath Das on the same. The SEC cited that the decision was taken in line with the Article 243 as a desciplinary action.



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