CPM flays civic body for installing water meters

Update: 2022-12-10 01:25 IST

CPM State executive member Ch Babu Rao and other leaders observing a water meter fixed in a house in Madhura Nagar in Vijayawada on Friday

Vijayawada (NTR District): People of Pasupu Thota area near Madhura Nagar objected to installation of water meters to their water connections without their consent. They expressed concern over the exorbitant water charges in the name of water meters by the municipal corporation.

A team of CPM leaders headed by its State executive member Ch Babu Rao visited the area on Friday. Addressing the gathering, Babu Rao said that it was highly deplorable that the municipal corporation started commercialisation of water supply to the citizens bowing to the pressure from the Central government in the name of Amrit scheme.


When there is plenty of water available in River Krishna, what is the need to install water metres leaving a heavy burden on people, he wondered.

'The administration claims that there would not be any burden on people due to water meters, which is hard to believe. It is not proper to install meters in the name of 24-hour water supply to the citizens.'

Babu Rao said the people are already burdened with electricity metres and power tariffs. Now with the installation of water meters, water would be scarce for people, he noted.

The State government had already enhanced property tax by fixing them based on value of the property. Moreover, an unprecedented garbage tax was introduced. He flayed the State government for making the municipalities as money-spinning machines.

He took exception to the installation of water meters even without informing the house owners. He recalled that the Left parties and the local people fought against the installation of water meters in the past in the name of the JNNURM scheme.

The municipal corporation had already enhanced the water charge exorbitantly, increasing the tax at the rate of seven percent every year. He recalled that the YCP came to power assuring people that the water charges would be reduced. He assailed the ruling party MLAs, the Mayor and the coporators for conspiring to install the water meters. Babu Rao demanded an explanation from the people's representatives.

CPM leaders P Krishna Murthy, Chinna, Rama Rao, Kiran Kumar and others participated.



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