CPM leaders in Hindupur urges authorities to take action against land encroachments

Update: 2024-03-02 17:25 IST

CPM party leaders in Hindupur town are urging revenue authorities to take action against land encroachments near Suguru pond. Under the leadership of the CPM party, a visit was conducted to the site where leaders demanded the government take possession of the encroached land and protect it. Additionally, they are calling for the authorities to grant house titles to homeless individuals in the area.


During the visit, KVPS and CPM leaders, including district secretary MV Ramana and party leaders Babavali and Sikandar Narayana, inspected the pond and voiced their concerns about the encroachments. They emphasized the importance of prompt action to ensure the protection of the land and to provide housing solutions for those in need.

The CPM party leaders are determined to address these issues and are working towards securing a better future for the residents of Hindupuram town.



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