Crime rate has been decreased by 12 percent in Vijayawada: CP Srinivasulu

Update: 2020-12-27 15:00 IST

Vijayawada Commissioner of Police Srinivasulu 

Vijayawada Commissioner of Police Srinivasulu said that the crime rate in the city was 17 per cent lower than in 2018. He told a news conference on Sunday that the number of cases had dropped by 12 per cent over 2019. The recovery also increased by 29 percent than last year.

The CP said the city will focus more on thefts in the coming days. He said the crime rate against women has been significantly reduced and road accidents have been greatly reduced.More than Rs 1 crore worth of cannabis and Rs 2 crore worth of gutka were seized, CP said.

He said that in addition to 1230 cases registered on alcohol smuggling, one thousand vehicles were seized. He said that Mahila Mitra monitors women, children and family issues and will further improve the cyber mitra. The Commissioner of Police Srinivasulu further advised not to take loans from apps.



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