For litter-free railway tracks

Update: 2022-06-12 01:37 IST

A colony located near railway tracks in Visakhapatnam where littering is quite common. Photo: Vasu Potnuru

Visakhapatnam: In order to make Visakhapatnam a plastic-free destination, various quarters are extending support to the planet-friendly endeavour.

In line with this, Waltair Division has surged ahead by considering concrete measures to put an end to plastic menace. Much earlier, it has enforced a ban on single use plastic within its jurisdiction.


From June 5, the Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation has imposed a total ban on single-use plastic within the corporation limits.

To make the city look tidier and plastic-free, efforts are in place wherein various sectors are working in tandem for the purpose.

However, the scene along the railway tracks wherein the residential colonies are located close to them paint a picture of contrast.

In order to place a check on the practice of littering along the railway lines, Waltair Division has launched a cleanliness mission.

As a part of the endeavour, continuous awareness programmes, cleanliness drives, among others, have been initiated. After carrying out the awareness drive, the division intends to impose penalties on violators.

Following the massive awareness programme, a bunch of roses will be sent to the residents staying adjacent to the railway tracks who continue to violate the 'cleanliness norm'. "Even then, if the locals fail to fall in line, then we will be redirecting the litter collected from the railway lines to the respective households," asserts Anup Satpathy, Divisional Railway Manager, Waltair Division.

In order to make the drive a success, support from the railway passengers also plays a crucial role. While travelling, they have to refrain from throwing the emptied bottles, wrappers, food parcels, papers and plastic waste out of windows and doors.

Along with making announcements through the public addressing system, pamphlets will be given away to the passengers ensuring that they need to take the onus of keeping the surroundings clean. Extra dustbins will be facilitated to make sure that the passengers maintain the tracks litter-free.

Already, Visakhapatnam railway station stands out in implementing the ban on single use plastic. "In a similar manner, railway tracks that stretch along the division will be taken care of. With the support of the public as well as the passengers, we are sure to take this initiative way forward. Maintaining cleanliness is one of our biggest concerns. Eventually, we intend to make Waltair the cleanest division of the Indian Railways," adds the DRM.

The cleanliness drive will be carried out in trains, railway stations and colonies adjoining the railway tracks with the support of the Railway Protection Force.



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