Guntur police arrests husband for circulating wife's nude pictures and videos online

Update: 2020-11-23 18:58 IST

Guntur police arrests husband for circulating wife's nude pictures and videos online

Police have arrested a man who posted nude videos of his wife squatting for money on the internet. Guntur police have arrested Vamsikanth Reddy, the husband of the victim. Speaking to media on the occasion, Guntur Urban SP Ammi Reddy said that the husband tried to sell his wife nude videos through some apps. Also mentioned that he would send those videos to his friends. SP Ammi Reddy also said that Vamsikanth Reddy had harassed his wife to have sex with his friends. Vamsikanth Reddy, the accused in the case, said another person along with his parents should be arrested.


Apart from taking nude videos and photos of his wife, a case of a husband making money by uploading them on the internet and porn sites came to light in Guntur on Sunday. Vamsikanth Reddy, son of a railway loco pilot from old Guntur, holds an MBA. The daughter of a railway guard from Ati Agrahara in the city. However, Vamsikanth Reddy said that he was working at the airport. They were both married in 2017 and later settled in Hyderabad. However, his wife came to know that Vamsikanth Reddy was not working at the airport and was working in a cargo office there.

When police questioned Vamsikanth Reddy on the matter, he admitted it was true. He stopped working in the cargo office for a while. After that, he worked in another company for a while and also stayed there. Eventually, he reached Guntur and maintained a courier office in Bradypeta. At the same time, the victim is working as a ward volunteer. But Vamsikanth Reddy opened up to the evil idea for easy money. He took nude photos and videos while his wife was asleep and alone with him. He uploaded them on the Internet and porn sites and made money.

It turned out that he was also uploading and earning on YouTube. He forced his wife to commit adultery without stopping to which she did not agree. There was a quarrel between them over this matter. The victim, who had been patient for a long time, told her parents the matter she could no longer tolerate and lodged a complaint at the Disha police station. The accused Vamsikanth Reddy was arrested by the police.



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