Kurnool: Street vendors hit hard by partial lockdown

Update: 2021-05-12 02:07 IST

Street vendors hit hard by partial lockdown

Kurnool: The partial lockdown in the State is impacting livelihood of several road-side and petty vendors. The vendors are finding it difficult to earn at least a day's meal for the family members. They are demanding the government to relax the curfew timing from 12 noon to 2pm so that they can earn something.

Due to rapid rise in Covid cases across the State, the government ordered a curfew from 12 pm to 6am the next day. All the services including businesses, transport are allowed only till 12 pm. Following the orders of the state government, the district administration is strictly implementing the curfew across the district.


Except emergencies and medical shops, all others remain shut. Who is being benefitted from the curfew is not known but it is surely seizing the livelihoods of thousands of street vendors.

Several road-side and petty vendors are expressing dissatisfaction over the implementation of curfew.

Nagamani, a roadside fruit vendor, told The Hans India that the life of street vendors has become miserable. Due to curfew, earning a day meal for family members has become very hard. She said that five family members are depended on her hard earning. "Prior to curfew, I was earning Rs200 to Rs300 which is of course sufficient to earn a day meal to all".

But, during the curfew, we are unable to earn at least Rs200 because the stock is not sold. Even before 12 pm, the police warn to pack up or else they will file cases. She urged the government to relax the curfew timing from 12 pm to 2pm so that they can earn something.

Another vendor, Hussain Basha, a tela wala said that to purchase the banana stock they are borrowing money on higher interest. The amount is paid after selling the entire stock and with the remaining amount they manage their lives.

Due to curfew, it hard to sell stock and paying back the borrowed amount has also become very hard. If this continues then entire family members have to starve, lamented Hussain Basha.



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