Low allocations to irrigation draw criticism

Update: 2022-03-12 01:04 IST

M Purushotham Reddy, Prof G Sandhya Rani, R Srinivasulu Reddy

Tirupati: The state budget for 2022-23 presented by finance minister B Rajendranath Reddy on Friday has made some efforts to come out of the Covid-19 crisis. On the whole, the budget allocations for agriculture sector, women empowerment, health sector, etc., were hailed while the proposals for the irrigation sector drew serious criticism.

The head of department of women's studies in SP Mahila Visvavidyalayam Prof G Sandhya Rani observed that on the whole it was a balanced budget and comprehensive in nature. It reflected the targets set by UNO in its 17 sustainable development goals to be achieved by 2030. While some notable progress could be seen in the standard of living of poorer sections, this budget also focused on the government's welfare initiatives.


Following the participatory approach the budget has been paving way to enhance women's participation in the developmental process by recognising the need to provide suitable opportunities to them. For elimination of gender bias and to achieve gender equality, the continuation of welfare schemes will definitely help. In a nutshell, the budget focused on downtrodden, weaker sections, marginalised groups, women and children, she opined.

Convenor of Rayalaseema Intellectual Forum M Purushotham Reddy lamented poor allocations to Rayalaseema region and the lacklustre progress of key irrigation projects in the region. Even Siddeswaram and Gundrevula projects which have all approvals found no place in the government's priority list, he said.

He said that severe injustice was meted out to Rayalaseema irrigation projects in the allocations. "The budget failed in fulfilling the aspirations of the Seema people. To alleviate the water problem in the region, the government should focus on widening the Pothireddypadu project, increasing the capacity of canals and completing Galeru-Nagari and Handri-Neeva projects. The meagre allocations for these projects can meet only administrative expenditure," he said while demanding the government to make changes in budgetary allocations and allocate sufficient funds for Rayalaseema projects.

The district secretary of Federation of Farmers Association R Sreenivasulu Reddy felt that the government has been talking about e-marketing in market yards but it remains on paper. In fact, the government abolished commission agent system in market yards but still the it is in vogue which has become an even more burden for farmers.

He opined that instead of giving Rythu Bharosa, the government may consider liberalising input subsidies, supportive prices, etc., The amount of Rs 13,000 under Rythu Bharosa in four instalments will not be beneficial to the farming community.

The Rythu Bharosa Kendras have technical people who should be trained well to monitor the crops and guide farmers accordingly, he said.



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