Nellore: Joint Collector Prabhakar Reddy asks private doctors to extend services to Coronavirus patients

Update: 2020-07-26 00:38 IST

Joint Collector Prabhakar Reddy asks private doctors to extend services to Coronavirus patients  

Nellore: Joint Collector Dr N Prabhakar Reddy appealed to the private doctors and others in the health sector to come forward for extending their helping hand to serve the Covid patients. He visited various wings of the GGH on Saturday and said that they had collected details of the students who had completed the medicine and asked them to offer their services during the pandemic.


The officials are also requesting private doctors to serve the patients as there is a shortage of medical professionals. He said there are sufficient beds in the Government General Hospital for accommodating the patients. He asked the doctors who have been appointed by the government to join for duties immediately.

He appreciated the officials of the engineering and other departments for achieving the second position within 60 days in implementing Naadu-Nedu works in the district. The district was earlier in the 13th position, he added. He said 89 percent of the funds allocated to the district were successfully spent. He also lauded the engineering wing of the education department for showing the spirit. Further, Nellore RDO SK Hussain Saheb and District Supplies Officer CH Balakrishna Rao visited ISKCON premises on Saturday for checking the quality of food being prepared for various organisations. The officials are planning to utilise the services ISKCON for serving food to the Covid patients in the quarantine centres and isolation wards.



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