Ongole: Roundtable terms new farm laws anti-farmer

Update: 2021-01-25 00:29 IST

Participant at the roundtable on new farm laws in Ongole on Sunday

Ongole: The roundtable held by the Forum for Good Governance in Ongole on Sunday opined that the new farm laws are against the interest of the farmers and the consumers.

Speaking in the meeting presided over by the forum president Mahankali Venkata Seshaiah, the forum former president Sunkara Saibaba said that the new farm laws are anti-farmer and anti-consumer acts.


The Kisan Congress State vice-president V Rajagopala Reddy said that the Union government has passed the Acts while the country is facing Covid restrictions, without mentioning Minimum Support Price. AP Rythu Sangham general secretary Hanumareddy said that whatever the government is saying to convince the farmers, MSP is not a constitutional right to farmers with these laws.

CPM east Prakasam district secretary Punati Anjaneyulu said that the new agriculture laws are to make the pockets of corporate companies fatter.

The forum secretary Dr Shakeer, treasurer Ranganatham, YSRCP leader Kranthi Kumar, OPDR vice president Chavali Sudhakar, and other members and farmers also participated in the meeting.



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