TDP MP Candidate Keshineni Sivanath Challenges Kesineni Nani in Vijayawada

Update: 2024-05-10 17:48 IST

In a dramatic turn of events, TDP's Vijayawada MP candidate, Keshineni Sivanath, popularly known as Chinni, issued a bold challenge to his YSP counterpart, Keshineni Nani. The challenge stemmed from discrepancies allegedly found in Nani's election affidavit submitted to the Election Commission. Sivanath asserted that he could potentially invalidate Nani's affidavit, even without the presence of any filed cases against him.


The challenge was publicly announced by Sivanath during a press conference in response to accusations leveled against him by Nani. Sivanath expressed dismay over Nani's accusations and questioned the motives behind the MP's actions, highlighting the need for accountability and transparency in political discourse. He challenged Nani to explain his allegations and urged him to address the concerns of the electorate rather than engaging in baseless accusations.

The controversy surrounding the two candidates, both vying for the MP seat in Vijayawada, has escalated with Sivanath's direct challenge to Nani. The exchange of allegations and counterclaims has brought the spotlight on the integrity and conduct of the candidates as they navigate the competitive electoral landscape.



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