Tirupati: MMBG School offers Rs 2 lakh worth programmes for free to its students

Update: 2022-07-14 23:50 IST

Left: School Correspondent S Bhaskar Raju; Right: Ambidextrous Aswini of MMBG school seen writing with her two hands

Tirupati: Make My Baby Genius (MMBS) school here, which needs no introduction, has come up with another major initiative. This time, the school correspondent, S Bhaskar Raju, has been offering Rs 2 lakh worth 47 programmes/technologies totally free of cost along with regular syllabus for those taking admission in the school which offers education from Nursery to Class X to make them versatile.


These free programmes or technologies include Reasoning, mental ability, reading comprehension, quantitative ability, English grammar, Brain gym, right brain education, Yoga, Juggling, mind mapping, Rubik's Cube, Cognitive therapy, Origami, writing techniques with both the hands among various others.

Bhaskar Raju said that these programmes will be very useful for students in laying the foundation for competing for IIT-JEE, NEET, Civil Services, bank tests and other competitive examinations. This will also help the children in the age group of 3-13 years to learn reading and writing Telugu, English and Hindi without mistakes which can make them excel in their education when they go to higher classes.

Before completing Class 3, children will become well versed in three languages, learn concept-based mathematics with interest, can write good handwriting, easily draw beautiful pictures and even make calculations like additions, subtractions, multiplications and divisions and can recite 100 tables without pen and paper with more speed than the computer in a scientific way.

Bhaskar Raju has many credits to his account. He earned 15 world records in various fields, including writing 21 languages with both hands in six styles and even in mirror writing. "The significance of handwriting even in this computer age cannot be underestimated," he explained.

Further, becoming ambidextrous has its own advantages. By practising with a non-dominant hand, the creative brain which is on the right side will get stimulated.

For natural left handers, practice with the right hand will activate the right side of the brain and for right handers, the left side of the brain will get stimulated. This helps in reducing the learning time significantly, he maintained.

His students can set the Rubik's Cube in 45 seconds, can tell 100 square roots in one minute, recite 700 slokas of Bhagavad Gita and 100 poems of Vemana Satakam. They can also write 100 tables in 45 minutes in a random order which needs 1000 calculations in that time.



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