TV shows adversely affecting family relations

Update: 2022-12-10 01:10 IST

Retired professor of Journalism Padmaja Shaw addressing the workshop on violence against women at Siddhartha Mahila Kalasala in Vijayawada on Friday

Vijayawada (NTR District): Retired professor in Journalism of Osmania University Padmaja Shaw cautioned people, who watch TV soap operas and warned them that they would adversely affect the relations among family members.

Addressing a workshop jointly organised by Women Empowerment Cell of Siddhartha Mahila Kalasala and Step Ahead For Equality (SAFE) on 'Violence against women - influence of media' at Siddhartha Mahila Kalasala here on Friday, she said that the themes in the storyline of movies and TV serials have been adversely influencing the young minds to a great extent. There is a feeling of insecurity between the family members which is further damaging the relations, she added.


Padmaja Shaw said that in case of any injustice done to people, they should seek justice but should not retaliate and take law into their hands.

College Director and Executive Member of SAFE Dr T Vijayalakshmi suggested that the viewers should have a positive outlook towards the programmes telecast on various channels.

College Principal Dr S Kalpana said in spite of women advancing in various fields across the country, there has been an increase in atrocities against them.

SAFE president G Jyotsna presided over the meeting. SAFE members and women empowerment committee and a sizable number of college girls participated.



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