Vijayawada: Farmers suffer as canal system neglected in Krishna

Update: 2023-06-03 02:00 IST

A canal at Konkepudi near Pedana of Krishna district choked with water weeds and reeds which blocked water flow

Vijayawada : Although farmers are engaged in cultivation activities onset of June every year, the irrigation authorities are unable to take up canal operation and maintenance works so far.

The negligence of irrigation authorities turned has into a bane to farmers.

The operation and maintenance works are undertaken to remove aquatic weeds and accumulated mud that impeded water flow.


However, due to carelessness in undertaking such activities, the farmers have been facing many troubles while doing cultivation. Even though the government has been releasing water to suit farmers’ needs and helping them in June for the past few years, the water is not reaching farmlands on time.

It is known that, the government decided to release water to the Krishna delta on June 7th for this Kharif. In fact, if water is released in the first week of June, it reaches tail-end lands in the first week of July.

Sometimes in some areas, it takes almost 40 days. Last year, the government released water on June 10th and water could reach after 40 days in many tail-end lands. The crops depending on water were damaged. Besides, crops are also frequently affected by cyclones due to delays in cultivation.

About 90 per cent of cultivation is dependent on it, mainly during the Kharif. 20 main drains are flowing in the erstwhile Krishna district to the extent of 537.37 km.

Likewise, 20 medium drains are flowing to an extent of 470.65 km and 702 minor drains to an extent of 1755-km in the district. Another 208 small canals (panta kaluvalu) are situated in the district.

The canals are main water sources for irrigation as well as drinking water. Every year the government allots and releases around 150 TMC water including Rabi to the Krishna delta. The water is utilised for both irrigation and drinking water in NTR, Krishna, and erstwhile West Godavari districts.

The erstwhile Guntur and Prakasam districts get water through the Prakasam barrage canal system. However, now the canal system has been totally destroyed by the water weeds, primarily in the Krishna district.

Water weeds such as water hyacinth, water lettuce, hydrilla, aquatic grass, sedges, and water reeds invaded the canals and blocked the water flow. In the limits of Krishna district, every canal and drain is filled with aquatic weed.

Moreover, many canals are covered with mud and sand. The canal embankment is also closed with shrubs and small plants. In a nutshell, the canal and drainage system was completely neglected.

The authorities said they sent a proposal to the government to undertake O&M works with an estimation of Rs 45.88 crore and the government has sanctioned Rs 29.25 crore of works. Tenders are yet to be finalised. So, this year also the works are not undertaken as the government is going to release water to the canals on June 7. Speaking to The Hans India, Machilipatnam Division Irrigation EE said tenders will be finalised on June 13. 



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