Vijayawada: LIC employees support farmers' struggle

Update: 2020-12-07 23:53 IST

LIC employees staging lunch hour demonstration in support of the farmers agitating for the repeal of anti-farmer enactments in Vijayawada on Monday

Vijayawada: The LIC employees under the aegis of the Insurance Corporation Employees' Union organised lunch hour demonstrations and expressed their support and solidarity with millions of agitating farmers seeking the repeal of anti-farmer laws.

Joint Secretary of the Union Ch Kaladhar addressing the demonstrations, said that it was unjust and unreasonable to pass crucial agricultural bills unilaterally without discussion on the floor of Parliament.


He also said that all the democratic forces should condemn the Government's attempts to suppress the farmers' struggle and the experts, scientists and the intellectuals across the country are also urging the Government to consider the views of the farmers' associations.

Kaladhar criticised that the new Farm laws were beneficial to corporates and multinational companies. He also said that it is the responsibility of the Governments to provide affordable prices for the crops grown by the farmers and urged the Central Government to address and resolve the problems of the farming community immediately.

Insurance Corporation Employees' Union leaders NMK Prasad, J Madhu, local branch leaders, MV Sudhakar, Ch Rajasekhar, N Nagendra Singh, J Hepsiba, G Srinivas and others participated.



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