Jaideep Kewalramani, COO & Head of Employability at TeamLease Edtech


Generative AI is going to dominate the imagination of humanity. Be prepared to be awestruck. For a machine to generate content, media, analysis or decisions like humans is as fascinating as watching a fully dependent infant grow into a fully independent mature human being. Deepfakes created a huge buzz around generative AI but that is just one element of what this technology can do for you. Several industries will experience disruption as the algorithms mature. AI will be able to produce unique songs, pieces of art, literature, videos, images, write software code, create marketing content, provide fashion tips, develop recipes, have humanized conversations, provide counseling and so much more. Students, Professionals, Governments, Decision Makers, Caregivers - the entire spectrum stands to benefit.

Update: 2023-05-11 13:19 GMT

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