Puneeth Okays Movie Hearing Just One Line Of Story?

Update: 2020-01-07 00:48 IST

If you have to call someone Power Star in the film industry, then the actor must command a lot of respect and at the same time be powerful enough to rule the industry.

Take the case of Pawan Kalyan in the Telugu Film Industry. He holds the title of Power Star in Tollywood. We need not even tell you the kind of massive fan following the actor enjoys even to this day despite the fact that he has stayed away from movies for long now and plunged full-time into politics to serve people.


Now in the Kannada Film industry, the title of Power Star is given to none other than late legendary Kannada actor Dr Rajkumar's youngest son, Puneeth Rajkumar.

Fondly called as Appu by his fans, Puneeth holds audience in his grip. You already know that Puneeth is juggling small screen, big screen and also brand endorsement deals.

He holds such charm that he can easily woo any audience. No wonder then that every filmmaker wants to work with him not to forget the leading ladies in Sandalwood too.

One reason for this is that Puneeth Rajkumar is a name to reckon with in Sandalwood and on the other hand, Appu's choice of movies are so good that most of his projects are successful, a reason why he is every director's dream actor as they consider him the most bankable star in Kannada.

Offers come knocking at his door and Puneeth is very selective when it comes to movies. He not only thinks of how much the movie can utilise his talent but also thinks about what the audience would like to see in him in his next.

So he keeps experimenting. Most of Puneeth's movies are commercial hits thanks to his success formula. So it came as a surprise when we heard that the Kannada power star okayed a movie without even reading the entire movie script.

The latest buzz in Gandhinagar circles is that director Satya Prakash of Ondalla Yerdalla fame, approached Puneeth with a story. He is believed to have narrated just a line from the plot which seems to have impressed Appu.

Puneeth is said to have given a go ahead just listening to one line of the story!!

The director was so kicked that he is said to have already gotten busy with the pre-production work of the movie. Puneeth is expected to begin shoot for Satya Prakash movie after wrapping up his much anticipated film Yuvarathnaa which he is currently working on.

The most interesting thing is Satya is known to deliver content driven movies. So it remains to be seen how the director will make use of Puneeth's talent to woo the masses which form a major part of the audience for Appu movies.

The movie, we hear, will be bankrolled by the Sandalwood Power Star himself under his own banner PRK productions. This will be the first instance that he will be working in his own production. 



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