Lessons to draw from Maha crisis

Update: 2022-06-27 01:08 IST

The political developments in Maharashtra should not be viewed as some machination by the BJP. It may be or may not be, but the crux of the issue here is different. The development has a major lesson for all political leaders, both regional and national, not to shut their eyes to happenings in their parties. The ugly episode has also proved the era of coalitions is over.


There was a time when Shiv Sainiks were willing to lay down their lives for the founder of the right wing pro-Marathi and pro- Hindutva party, Bal Keshav Thackeray. He made sure that the rank and file stuck, saw to it that he and the party were in sync politically and ideologically. After his departure, the party seems to have moved on, punching holes in the strong unity of party and giving up on Balasaheb's legacy. Even senior leaders fell for praise from so-called liberals.

The party no longer seems to be harping on the 'Marathi Manoos and Hindutva policy.' Balasaheb was staunchly against any tieup with either Congress or NCP. But his successor Uddhav Thackeray is now looking toward the NCP to save his government. The cadres grew restive and veered away from the core party ideology and with no one to listen to their pleas, even MLAs and leaders started growing restive and hence this revolt within the party.

The latest development sends a clear message to the people that the efforts by the ideologically divergent anti-BJP parties made by anti- BJP parties cannot sustain and defeat the BJP. The most unfortunate aspect is that the Congress and the regional parties are not willing to reinvent themselves. They fail to realise new generation leaders detest such hypocrisy and hence the inevitable rebellion.

There are similarities between Sena supremo and the leaders of other regional parties across the country. It is said that Uddhav was inaccessible, and so are the other regional netas, too. There was a time when political leaders used to be among people and administration used to be run from designated Secretariats. Now the current crop of leaders stays in huge palaces and run administration from there. That leads to first level of disconnect with people and their representatives.

They seem to believe liberal dole of funds in name of welfare schemes would help them remain in power, while the exchequers are bled dry in the absence of any efforts to generate matching funds or raise revenue. When pushed to the corner, they cry hoarse and injustice, stating the Centre isn't coming to their rescue. The big question is why should the Centre fund such schemes of states? Why announce schemes if one cannot earn to sustain them? What these leaders accuse PM of behaving like a monarch, they seem to follow in letter and spirit.

Maharashtra politics have also made it clear that denial rulers' accessibility to people and their representatives, rule of family and dependence on coterie to run party and government would endanger governments and pile misery on people. Sena's credibility took a nosedive as the New Gen leaders at the top no longer swear by their party ideology. One day they propounded Hindutva and the next day they denounce mingling religion with politics.

Even now it's not too late, but there is little hope the regional and the national parties would learn lessons from the developments in Maharashtra and rebuild their bases and draw redlines to coteries to stave off the implosion of their parties. May the almighty guide them from darkness to light.



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