Be cushioned!

Update: 2019-05-12 00:08 IST

With summer in full swing, it's time to give your home a much-deserved makeover to mark the beginning of the new season. Be it painting the walls with shades of pastel (think mint blue, dusty pink, lemon yellow, etc) or changing the heavy lined curtains, there are various simple yet effective ways of adding a touch of freshness to your interiors.

If you are not ready for a big change, you can start with accessories like cushions, rugs and other decorative fixtures. While cushions are primarily associated with the feeling of comfort, they can also be used as great décor items.


Today, various types of cushions are available in the market that ranges from chair cushions to floor cushions. To save you from the confusion, enlisted below are a few tips for styling cushions.

Things to keep in mind

Before incorporating cushions into your decorating scheme, ask yourself a question. What is the kind of aesthetic or look I'm going for? The cushions you choose should either be in complementary or contrast colours so that they work together with the wall, sofa and artefacts. Whether your style is minimalist or maximalist, contemporary or traditional, it is advisable to pick a colour palette. Start with bright, bold colours and patterns to create statement pieces that will not only give the room character but also draw attention. If you're sticking to only one or two colours, use fabrics that have different textures so that space doesn't look flat and uninteresting. The secret is to maintain a balance between large and small cushions to achieve a layered look.

Which cushions to pick?

Cushions can broadly be divided into two types – upholstery cushions that are placed on sofas, chairs, chaise lounges, ottomans, window seats and bed headboards etc, and smaller cushions that are easier to move around – bolsters, throw pillows, floor cushions and the like. While both categories of cushions serve functional purposes, smaller cushions can be purely decorative. For decorative cushions, you can pick fabrics such as silk and velvet. However, when choosing fabric for your functional cushions (primarily for seating) that will be used often, you might want a high-quality fabric that doesn't wear easily and retains its look even after several months.

Latest trends

Interior design trends are currently moving in a maximalist direction, and this extends to cushions too. Work with fabrics that have patterns on patterns – motifs or designs on a background that is patterned rather than a solid colour. Bring in your bright jewel tones and mix it up by throwing in fabrics with embroidery, textures, metallic and 3D effects. Explore inspirations from around the world and mix and match designs to create your own glorious maximalist style.

Classic cushion styling

Large cushions in neutral colours (beige, ivory, brown and cream etc) can be paired with smaller accent cushions to bring in some sense of drama. Nature-inspired patterns are also in vogue – combine forest greens and ocean blues with large floral prints and patterns. If you want to add some bling, then opting for jewel tones would be a good idea.



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