Do humans have a 'religious instinct'?

Update: 2022-06-05 02:05 IST

Religion is a system and a process that helps people to form communities based on shared interests. Religions consist of all kinds of philosophies and principles that set a certain standard of living within their sect. According to some religions the devotees or practitioners need to adhere to strict codes of conduct, belief or practice in order to belong to the specific religion. On the other hand, there are also religions that provide their community members with the choice of free will and the freedom of choice. In this way we are able to witness the different types of religions where faith is restrictive and somewhere belief is allowed to be a liberating experience allowing people to find truth based on their own free will.


The origin of religion

We are not able to put a specific timeline to the history and origin of religion. No one can tell for certain when exactly religion was born. Every religion whether it is Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Zorastrianism or any other sect has its own history and story. Depending on which religion you belong to since this is a faith based practice you will follow the storyline, history and principles accordingly. Every religion has a unique background which community members, practitioners and devotees follows and mould their life based on this knowledge.

Is religion an instinct?

Whether religion is based on human instinct or whether it is a manufactured practice cannot be definitely determined. For example, in a family where the father practices a certain religion and believes in it has a son or a daughter, they will also be indoctrinated into this religious community. From the time of birth, the child of the family will automatically become a part of the religious community that the household belongs to and learn all the rituals, practices, and other faith based processes associated with this religion. When the parents visit the place of worship whether it is a temple, a mosque, Church or a Gurudwar etc. they will also take the child along with them and this will become a habitual practice for the next of kin. It is but natural that the brain will absorb information regarding religious practices from an early age and this becomes almost instinctual.

Exploration and discovery

While we do not question religious beliefs or ritualistic practices during childhood this changes as we begin to grow older and become more independent with our thinking. As an individual approach his adolescence and teenage years, he steps out into the world and will begin to question many of their beliefs and practices. This spirit of enquiry will lead them to the path of truth depending on which ever journey they choose to follow. Despite being religious in younger years one might change their religious views and become an atheist when they're grown up. Or it could even be that someone who does not believe in religion or God can change their views and become a theist as they experience miracles in the life or the grace of divinity.

Atheism vs. theism

When someone who believes in God changes their opinion and becomes an atheist, it is entirely their choice. Similarly, a person who converts from an atheist to a religious or spiritual person also does so because of their own personal journey of exploration and discovery towards the truth. It is not for us to debate on the rights and wrongs of one's personal connection with God, religion or spirituality. Everyone can choose to either follow or unfollow the religion based on their own views, opinions, and express themselves in any way that they deem fit. Even this form of self-expression is nothing but part of the process of seeking the truth of the universe. We are all entitled to experience this life in the way that we decide is best for us.

Science and religion

Scientists, research experts, and intellectuals belonging to the scientific community are constantly in the pursuit to discover the real meaning behind so many unknown mysteries of the universe. Whether there is a God or any other superpower that guides us through life having created us is something that is being always questioned and probed into. When it comes to science, we are constantly being made aware of theories and ground breaking scientific discoveries coming to light such as dark matter, god particle, and other learning like neuroplasticity, time dilation and so on. We are continuously seeking answers to questions whether consciously or unconsciously and science continues to propound theories that lead us to intriguing topics for discussion.


Both religion and science need to exist side by side in order for humans to evolve with their brains and as well with a emotions. Without science we would become unquestioning minions to any faith or belief that we may not resonate with entirely. Through this process of enquiry not only do we make life more interesting in seeking out legitimate meaning or facts behind certain practices but we can also enrich ourselves. It is only through the process of questioning one self and one's own beliefs that we will be able to have conviction in anything that we practice.

According to the tradition and knowledge of the Himalayas we are capable of perfecting both the brain as well as the heart. Just sharpening the tools of the intellect without the authenticity of emotions is fruitless and one sided. There needs to be a fine balance between the brain as well as the heart which is the science of emotion. To demonstrate this point you can take the example of a woman who gives birth to a child. While the biological process of birth can be explained it is still something that is a wonderful mystery which we did not create as humans. We were given this precious ability to birth new life and also the unconditional love that a mother possesses for the child cannot be quantified by even the most advanced technology present in the universe. Like this the universe is filled with so many magical phenomena that remain shrouded in mystery leaving us with wonder and also a sense of enquiry. It is this that will help us find the way to the light and enjoy a meaningful and fulfilling life. 



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