Have a healthiest summer!

Update: 2019-05-04 23:20 IST
Have a healthiest summer!

Summer is here and I find this the perfect time to set my health goals in motion. I tell my clients to embrace the new opportunities to eat smart and get fit. Here are some of my ideas which will motivate and inspire you throughout the sunny months ahead.

Sip on water

Basic functioning of our brain and body is hampered when we lose water. Feeling sapped out? Don't reach for food, reach out for water. It will pick you up and you just won't eat for the sake of eating. I love trading up on simple water by making 'spa water' infusions with combinations such as lemon juice, cooling herbs like mint leaves or neem leaves and rock salt or cucumber, citrus fruits and ginger. Other cooling beverages like jaljeera and buttermilk can be added.


Hydration from vegetables

I often tell my clients that they should include water-based vegetables whether cooked or in the form of salads to leave one feeling fresh and light. The heat brings with its fresh aqueous vegetables. I include the entire gourd family, sword beans, cluster beans and pumpkins. Add on bell peppers, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce in various forms. A basic salad of tomato, cucumber, onion with chaat masala, lemon, rock salt and mint leaves is yummy and appetising. Just accompany this with yoghurt and a small portion of summer grains.

Pick a neutral fat

I would opt for cow's ghee to cook my food in, unlike the winter fats like sesame oil and mustard oil. Choose cow's ghee, if possible, the A2 variety, as these are the original desi Indian cows and are known to be good for health improving ones immunity.

Delicious seasonal fruits

With the gorgeous mangoes, I don't even want to look at anything else sweet. I am constantly telling my clients that summer is the time when nature is bountiful with the fruits. Watermelon, muskmelon, white apples, Palmyra (ice apple), black jamun, are my lifelines in the summer months. These fruits are zero in fat, rich in fibre and they really satiate my hunger.

Choose summer grains

Whole wheat and unpolished rice are the only grains I add onto my plate. Among millets, I opt for pearl millet (jowar), barnyard millet (verghu) and occasionally amaranth (rajgirah). On days when I don't feel like having either grain or millet, I swap it with a potato.

Power pulses

Small servings of cooked sprouts accompanied with a curry or watery daal is the only way I suggest one to consume pulses in the summer.

Go for a daily walk

The days get longer in the sunny months so try to incorporate at least 30 minutes of short walking. The temperatures tend to be cooler at this time so plan your walks early morning or late evening.

Soak in the Vitamin D

As the summer starts, I emphasize the importance of soaking up the sun's rays every day. The most essential fat-soluble vitamin for a healthy immune system and strong bones and teeth is Vitamin D. The best source for this vitamin is natural sunlight.

Go easy on eggs and non-vegetarian foods in the summer as they are difficult to digest. It is so sad that common sense is so uncommon when it comes to avoiding fried food, processed food, white flour, white sugar and creamy gravies.

With these little tips, I can assure you that you will reach optimum weight and health and feel rejuvenated this summer.   



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