It's all about loving yourself

Update: 2022-07-31 01:42 IST

There is a tremendous connection between our health and how we feel about ourselves. How we behave with each other is a reflection of how we feel about ourselves. If we could all start loving ourselves, we may actually start an epidemic of health!

Many of us believe that we are worthy of love only when we lose weight or get a great job or a partner. However, if you don't love yourself today, then you are unlikely to love yourself tomorrow, as the reasons never end. Loving oneself is a choice one can make today. Embrace yourself, forgive and heal, for a beautiful healthy life awaits you.


Read on for some tips on how to get you loving the most important being in your life – yourself

Make a list

Yes, take out a pen and a paper and write down at least 25 good things about you and stick it in a place where you can see it regularly.

Check your inner voice

Get aware of what you say to yourself. It's too important to ignore. Would you allow anyone to tell you – you are useless, good-for-nothing, ugly, fat or more? Then why do you say it to yourself?

Accept yourself

Each one of us is special in our own way. You don't have to do what others are doing. Celebrate your own uniqueness.

Distance yourself from those who bring you down

Your friends in life should motivate, inspire and respect you. Check your circle. Who are you listening to?

Forgive your past self

It's over! Let it go…

Take out time for yourself

Do something every day that you love – cook a new dish, cycle, read a book, watch that movie, indulge in a puzzle, go to the garden, paint, get a massage….so many options!

Learn something new

Explore new ideas through activities, books, groups, initiatives etc.

Believe in yourself

Everything is possible! You just have to believe it.

Loosen up, be loving and kind to others and be on a healthy diet

Smile, laugh, enjoy… don't take everything so seriously.

What you give out, comes back to you…

Have green smoothies, lots of organic fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid junk…



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