Keep your dogs monsoon-ready

Update: 2022-07-24 00:16 IST

Monsoons are here and it is the most perfect time to take long walks with your pet or even get drenched in the chilly showers. But before you indulge in the breezy weather, did you know that your dog is extra vulnerable to skin infections during the rainy season?

Pet parents need to be extra careful as their pet babies are more prone to skin infections or water-borne diseases in the monsoons. From keeping your pet baby's paws dry to overall grooming, there is a list of things that you must be careful about if you have a dog.


Here is how you can take care of your furry companions this monsoon -

Good nutrition

Nutritious food directly impacts the pet's fur. It is really important, especially in the monsoons, that the pet dog is given a balanced meal that contains zinc, omega 3, and 6.

Proper grooming

A well-groomed dog is a healthy dog. Dog's grooming is not just so that it looks neat and tidy but also so that the ticks, fleas, and infections stay away. During the monsoon season, periodical grooming is essential for your dogs. In the rains, everything is damp, and thus the chances to catch an infection are much higher. Please ensure that proper hygiene is maintained for the dog. Ear cleaning, anal gland cleaning, and maintaining an overall clean skin are very important. In this season, there is a high chance of catching maggots so extra care is required.

Keep the fur dry

Skin issues are extra common during the rainy season. Please ensure that you dry your pet's fur properly after a bath or if it gets wet in the rain. Damp fur is an inviting bed for fungal or bacterial infections and it is imperative to keep it dry and clean. You can use anti-fungal powder to maintain hygiene.

Wipe paws repeatedly

Your pet's paws come in contact with many viruses and bacteria on the ground. Especially when you go out for walks after the rains, the roads are muddy and dirty and that means more bacteria. You must keep your dog's paws dry and clean as much as possible. You can use warm water and soft towels to clean the paws. Keep the nails trimmed and you can also buy some pet shoes if the need arises.


There is a much higher chance of your dog catching worm-related illnesses in the monsoon season. Consult your vet and ensure that your pet is getting the right deworming tablets and vaccines.

Be extra cautious while taking walks

Walks are a must for all dogs. All dogs need physical activity and fresh air, but, in the monsoons, the roads are waterlogged and dirty. Walking on muddy roads can be toxic to pets. As dogs often lick their paws or skin the toxins could be ingested and that could lead to gastric or other issues. Lastly, the skin can get infected. So, go for the walk but also avoid paths that are really muddy or waterlogged. Take extra care to clean and dry the skin after a walk. If you observe any out-of-the-ordinary itching or biting immediately seek a vet's opinion.

(The author is a Head of Veterinary Services at DCC Animal Hospital)



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