Learning to trust yourself while trusting Divine

Update: 2023-02-12 01:32 IST

Learning to trust yourself while trusting Divine

Faith can create miracles. Along with faith comes trust, acceptance, hope and surrender. FAITH is full assurance in the heart. People who have complete faith in God do not doubt God. They do not despair. They live by the ABC principle: Accept without protest; do your Best; and in Consciousness, surrender the rest. Trust is total and unconditional surrender to the almighty. Hope is having only positive expectations. Believers who have complete faith not only trust the Divine but accept everything that happens in life as the unfolding of their own Karma. They live with hope, with positivity. They pray. Their prayers could be for peace and happiness, for God to solve their problems or for good health and things. But they also realise that what they want may not always be fulfilled. They do not become bitter or disappointed or angry. They accept it as their Karma. They realise that whatever happens, happens for the best. They know — When the idea is not right, God says, 'No!' When the time is not right, God says, 'Slow!' When we are not ready, God says, 'Grow!' But, when everything is ready, God says, 'Go!'


Faith and trust in God, gives all those who believe in God, immense strength and courage. They realise that if God is with them, they don't need anybody else. They don't fear, worry or become anxious when faced with obstacles. They try to better their circumstances. But when they can't change things, they accept. They have confidence knowing that God will guide them. In the process, they learn to trust themselves too. They know that guided by God, they can never go wrong and even if they do, they know that they will be able to face it and come out of all challenges, stronger and better. Trusting God inevitably leads us to trusting ourselves. It makes us stronger, courageous and happier. People who have faith in the supreme immortal power we call God are usually far more happier and more at peace with the world.

The more evolved believers, those seekers who have realised the truth realise that we are a part of the Divine, that we are not the body, mind and ego, but the Soul, the Atman, the enlightened ones realise that God is not different from them. They realise that God lives in the temple of their heart. They are not separate from God. They are a part of God. With this realisation, it is inevitable that trust in God translates into trust in oneself. There is no question of doubting God or oneself. This is called realisation of the truth, Enlightenment. This sets us from free from all misery and suffering. From doubt and despair. We learn to live like a Yogi — ever connected with God. We live in the state of Satchitananda— we live in a state of bliss because we live in consciousness of the truth. We are one with God, with the world, with everything.



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