Make family time more satisfying

Update: 2021-08-29 02:48 IST

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Human beings are social animals. Even the most resilient of us need to feel loved and cared for. To be told this on a daily basis is a blessing. It becomes far more difficult to be a person with admirable qualities- courage, compassion, self-esteem, clarity, tenacity etcetera- if you don't share enough love and intimacy with your favourite people.

It's not just that family time is essential for the development of your children. It's far truer that family time is the most selfish endeavour you can invest yourself in; and this isn't a bad thing. You can't be the best version of yourself without it. If you live alone, the same applies to all loved ones.


The ultimate goal of family time is happiness and contentment, which can be attained only if you are mentally and physically present.

Here are some benefits of family time explained by Divya Singh Vishwanath, Lifestyle blogger and stylist.

• Spending time together creates memories and that goes a long way in strengthening bonds.

• Family time creates opportunities for all to talk, which helps children to freely express themselves, ask questions on matters that might be troubling them and approach you when they get into uncomfortable situations.

• Members of strong family units have higher confidence and self-esteem when they go out into the world. This comes from strong family bonds created through meaningful time spent.

• Social skills are vital while growing up, as this gets the adolescent ready for teenage days and adulthood. What better time to practice for it than with family. For example, playing board games teaches them team building and to resolve conflict. The family forms a Child's basic social skills and rest is built on that.

• Children who have spent more time with their families have lesser behavioural issues like violence and substance abuse and they tend to make positive choices.

• Undivided attention makes a child feel important and loved. Children understand that time with them is more important than anything else and they grow to be secure adults.

• It relieves stress.

There is no comfort bigger than knowing that your family loves you and cares for you and it's even better if it's put in words. Spending time together daily needs to be a part of our routine and something that can never be compromised on in this time-deprived world. Take out the time, create memories and cherish the small moments.



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