More you think more you grow

Update: 2023-04-02 05:06 IST

More you think more you grow

There is a common misconception that people believe about thinking too much as a primary cause for worry. This is also taught to us as a philosophy for life that we must not indulge in too much thinking especially when it comes to the subjects of work and study. But in the path of spirituality the opposite is true. Spiritual teachings talk about thinking as a means for an individual's growth and progress. It is not any arbitrary way of thinking but rather the right process of thinking can reap benefits for you on this journey. It is also not about the quantity of thinking but the quality of your thoughts that will determine spiritual development and result in personal success for you. If you were someone with a powerful thought process then you can use this in your life as a way of growing and achieving your goals.


The process of creation stems from thoughts and someone with a powerful imagination can bring his or her goals into fruition. All it takes is to prepare the mind and the heart and to think good thoughts. And with the help of these strong powerful thoughts you will be able to create a world that is beautiful and also share this light with those around you.

In this way we spent this life in the company of the thoughts that we possess . But the mind also requires a powerful and effective filtering system. Without this filter in place the mind will become like a garbage bin with all kinds of thoughts in it. We need to make the necessary efforts to create a good filtering process for ourselves as this is crucial for our mental, physical, and spiritual well being. Just like a seive used for flour, similarly this filter will ensure only the purest of thoughts enter the mind. Allow only productive and well intentioned thoughts that are positive for your own development to come into the thinking.

Learn the true art of discernment where you can leave behind those harmful and toxic thoughts that could infest your mind and corrupt it. Create a powerful doorbell system for the mind so you only invite those thoughts which are favourable for you and shut the door on the thoughts that are harmful and may hinder your growth. And just like in real life the door bell or the keyhole on the door allows us to peep outside as a process of selection. Similarly become a master selector of what kind of thoughts can be entertained by you. And this is the process by which you can grow leaps and bounds with the help of your mind which is powered by positive thinking. 



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