Priyanka Gandhi: Likely to take on the reins

Update: 2020-03-21 23:54 IST
Priyanka Gandhi

Priyanka Gandhi was born on 12th January 1972 at 14:46 pm in New Delhi. Her birth star is Anuradha 2nd Charan. Priyanka Gandhi birth Rasi is Scorpio and birth Lagna is Taurus.

Priyanka Gandhi Here, Lagna lord venus will occupy 9th house. Hence, Lagna will have very good strength. Due to this combination, she will have good confidence and more longevity.


From 22nd Nov 2005 to 22nd Nov 2025 –Native will run venus major period. Generally, Venus will give excellent results because venus is Lagna lord for native.

Unfortunately, for the past seven and a half years, native is running the seven and half years Saturn period. During this period, she has faced so many hurdles and she has not shown proper interest in politics during this particular period.

From 22nd Sep 2018 to 22nd Nov 2021 –Native will run venus major period by Saturn sub-period. Here, Venus is Lagna lord and Saturn is a 9th and 10th Lord for Taurus ascendant (yoga karaka) planet. Hence, during this particular period, she will get excellent developments in politics. From the moon sign, Saturn will occupy the 3rd house till 17th Jan 2023. During this particular period, she will become president of the congress party.



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