The power of spiritual love & the ways it will change your life

Update: 2023-01-08 00:45 IST

The power of spiritual love & the ways it will change your life

What is spiritual love? Spiritual love is beyond love for the skin. It is loving the Divine within. It is love from Soul to Soul as we realise the Divine that lives within each and every being. We realise that we are manifestations of the Divine. We love the Divine passionately and completely. Not only the Divine, but we love all. Spiritual love encompasses all of humanity and creation. Spiritual love has no expectations. It is selfless love. It is not restricted to a few people. We are able to love all because we realise that we are not what we appear to be. We are not the body and mind. We are the Soul, a Spark Of Unique Life. We are all Souls, manifestations of the Divine. There is no you and I — we are one. There is a sense of brotherhood, of oneness. We are one with the world, the universe, people. In fact, our true essence is love. Love comes from God. Love is for God. God is love. The source of love is God.


True Love, thus, is love for the Divine that lives in each one of us as the Soul – the Divine Spirit that gives life to all. The ancient Greeks talked of Eros and Agape. The former was material, physical love and the latter spiritual love, love of the Soul. The Sufis believe that love is either Majazi or Haqiqi. While Majazi love is worldly, Haqiqi is spiritual love. In Ishq-Majazi, lovers have normal, earthly feelings of joy, pain, agony, and ecstasy. In Ishq-Haqiqi the lover is human and the beloved is God. But he does not ask for worldly comforts. He only seeks Lord, his beloved. A truly enlightened being sees everybody as Divine, and hence loves one and all.

There are many ways that spiritual love can change our life

Spiritual love is a source of true happiness, it is a fountain of joy. Since we love the Divine within, spiritual love can never make us miserable. There are no expectations and therefore, no disappointments. We love regardless of anything else. There are no feelings of possessiveness or jealousy, or clinging. There is no ego, no you and I. It is not need based. We love not because we need somebody, but we need somebody because we love them. Therefore, spiritual love does away with negative, toxic emotions which are replaced by positive emotions such as belief, trust, joy, peace and happiness.

Spiritual love ensures that we never feel lonely or alone. Spiritual love recognises our inherent Divinity and if God is within us, with us all the time, if we are a part of God, how can we ever be lonely?

Spiritual love fosters a sense of oneness — we realise that we are all Divine Souls. Therefore, there are no differences amongst us. Can the right eye ever hate the left eye? Will the right foot ever hit the left foot? Of course not. Spiritual love, therefore, can transform the world and lead to peace in the world.

Spiritual love promotes service to mankind, not out of compassion or obligation or duty but out of true love for the Divine. When we serve humanity, it is neither out of pity nor guilt, nor the need to create good Karma. It is out of love — we realise that we are serving the Supreme Immortal Power we call God.

Spiritual love can help us be in union with God. It can lead to God-realisation and finally, Moksha. When our devotion for God becomes love, it creates an intense yearning to attain God. With the grace of the Divine, we evolve on our spiritual path to Enlightenment, God realisation. If we persevere on the path and live in Prema Yoga, the Yoga of Divine Love, ever-connected to the Supreme Immortal Power we call God, when alive, we are liberated from all suffering and misery on earth. At the moment of death, we are liberated from the Karmic cycle of death and rebirth. We attain Moksha as we become one with God. And this is the ultimate purpose of life.



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