Empowered women empower the world, breaking barriers and shattering glass ceilings

Update: 2023-08-27 09:15 IST

As August 26th, marks a significant milestone in the journey towards gender parity and social progress as we celebrate Women’s Equality Day. From politics to science, business to the arts, women continue to break barriers, challenge norms, and pave the way for future generations. Today, gender equality is one of the fundamental driving forces for the success of any organisation. There has to be will, understanding within the leadership team, and continuous efforts to build dialogue within the organisation, to create a conducive environment for women. Let’s reaffirm our commitment to fostering a world where every woman’s potential is recognised and empowered, where stereotypes are shattered, and where opportunities are truly equal.


Women have also proved their mettle in entrepreneurship in the last few years. More and more women entrepreneurs joined the bandwagon and proved their worth by owning businesses across the spectrum.

Meet these women entrepreneurs, who have established themselves in different sectors and creates a benchmark.

1. Sarbani Bose, Integrator: As our organisation continues its mission to uplift marginalised communities, we also celebrate the significance of Women’s Equality Day. On this day, we acknowledge the strides made towards gender parity and recognise the work that remains. We are thrilled to announce a significant step forward in our journey towards fostering gender diversity and inclusion. As India’s leading not-for-profit organisation, we have always believed in the power of communities and individuals to drive positive change. Our latest initiative aims to enhance the female gender ratio within our organisation, aligning with our commitment to empower women across all spectrums of society, by not only increasing the number of women in the workforce but also by offering them roles in leadership positions. The organisation is continuously taking steps towards providing a better work environment for its female workforce.

By the end of March 2023, Pradan will account for 30% of our female workforce. This strategic move not only bolsters our commitment to gender equality but also harnesses the transformative potential that women bring to the table. With a track record of positively impacting 2.64 million women across seven states, along with partner organisations across these states, we understand the pivotal role that women play in uplifting lives with their empathetic skills and unwavering determination.

New female employees entering our organisation will undergo comprehensive training and on-the-ground experience. This holistic approach ensures that our employees are not just prepared for the sector but are also attuned to the realities and challenges faced by the communities we serve. We look forward to this exciting journey of growth, collaboration, and empowerment.”

Little emphasis on encouraging policies for women’s increasing ratio in leadership roles and thematic representation. We can also mention our continued effort to make it a better place for women, not just the ratio.

2. Yashika Arora founder of Paw Petisserie: “Empowered women empower the world, breaking barriers and shattering glass ceilings. On this Women’s Equality Day, let’s continue to rise together, forging paths of success and equality for all. Women’s Equality Day presents a chance to advance the cause of gender equality and commemorate the accomplishments of women, regardless of their scale. Women still face a lot of issues in this male-oriented society; therefore, the need of the hour is to create an enabling ecosystem to give wings to the dreams of aspiring women entrepreneurs. This day represents a significant stride towards achieving gender parity, marking an essential milestone in this ongoing journey.

3. Anjali Tyagi, Relationship Coach: As we celebrate Women’s Equality Day, let’s reflect on the profound parallels between building strong relationships and achieving gender equality. True progress emerges when we honor the inherent worth of every individual. As a relationship coach, I am determined that commitments, concessions, respect, and ongoing communication form the foundation of an equitable partnership. In these nurturing relationships, both partners create an environment where their complete selves can flourish, much like a diverse society benefits from the varied contributions of its members. We must not only celebrate our achievements but also reaffirm our commitment to building a future where relationships are firmly grounded in real equality and promote steadfast support for one another’s needs. Collective growth is the key to transforming our present and our future.



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