Erram Poorna Shanthi’s mission to empower the underprivileged

Update: 2024-03-08 14:26 IST

In the bustling city of Hyderabad, amidst the throngs of everyday life, resides an extraordinary woman – Erram Poorna Shanthi. Unlike many who turn a blind eye to the struggles of those less fortunate, Shanthi has dedicated her life to alleviating the suffering of the city’s most vulnerable populations. Her unwavering commitment, coupled with her deep well of compassion, has transformed countless lives, making her a beacon of hope in the face of adversity.


Shaped by Compassion: The Seeds of Social Service

Shanthi’s journey toward social service wasn’t born out of happenstance; it was nurtured from a young age. “My father played a significant role in inspiring me,” she reveals, her voice filled with warmth. “His teachings on compassion, empathy, and kindness towards others have been the foundation of my philanthropic endeavors.” Witnessing firsthand her father’s close relationship with farmers through his fertilizer factory further instilled in her the importance of giving back. “His bond with the farmers and his dedication to helping them inspired me to prioritize community service and support those in need,” she adds.

Sri Sai Shanthi Sahaya Seva Samithi: A Testament to Resilience

Driven by an insatiable desire to make a difference, Shanthi translated her compassion into action in 2015. She founded Sri Sai Shanthi Sahaya Seva Samithi, an NGO that has become a lifeline for countless underprivileged individuals and families. The initial years, however, were not without their challenges. “Starting any new venture comes with hurdles,” Shanthi acknowledges. “Finding dedicated volunteers who shared the same passion for service was one of the biggest obstacles we faced initially.”

Undeterred, Shanthi embarked on a mission to spread awareness in the community. She organised events, highlighting the impact their work could have on the lives of those most in need. Building trust with the beneficiaries proved to be another hurdle. “Transparency was key here,” she explains. “We focused on building relationships and consistently delivering on our promises. It was a journey, but with perseverance and the unwavering support of the community, we were able to overcome these challenges.”

A Multifaceted Approach: Empowering Through Education and Opportunity

The scope of Sri Sai Shanthi Sahaya Seva Samithi’s work is truly commendable. They tackle a wide range of social issues, from addressing the sensitive issue of female foeticide to organizing cremations for unidentified bodies. Recognizing the importance of education and self-sufficiency, they offer skill-development courses for single women, empowering them to become beauticians, tailors, or computer literate, thus opening doors to a brighter future. Their medical camps provide much-needed healthcare to those who cannot afford it, and food distribution drives ensure that nobody goes hungry.

The thoughtfulness behind Shanthi’s approach is evident in her selection of causes. “I usually consider issues that align with my values and have a significant impact on the community,” she explains. “I also look at the root causes of the problems and assess where my support can make a meaningful difference.” This meticulous evaluation ensures that their efforts are targeted and have a lasting impact.

The Power of Seva: A Guiding Light

At the heart of Shanthi’s philosophy lies the concept of Seva, a selfless service that seeks no reward. “Seva allows us to make a positive impact on others without expecting anything in return,” she emphasizes. This principle is not just a guiding light for her organization but also a way of life for Shanthi herself.

One particularly moving story exemplifies the transformative power of Seva in Shanthi’s life. “I remember a touching experience from my work when I organized a cremation ceremony for unknown bodies,” she shares, her voice softening. “It was a profound experience that shifted my perspective on life and death. Being part of that process made me realize the importance of compassion and dignity for every individual, regardless of their circumstances. It was a humbling experience that taught me the value of empathy and respect for all.”

Finding Balance: The Importance of Family Support

The relentless pursuit of social work can be all-consuming, leaving little room for personal life. However, Shanthi recognizes the importance of maintaining a healthy balance. Here, her family serves as a pillar of strength. “They provide me with unwavering support and understanding, which helps me navigate the demands of my job while still making time for the things that matter most to me,” she expresses. Their unwavering support allows Shanthi to continue her selfless work without neglecting her own well-being.

A Vision for the Future: Integrating Culture and Arts for Social Impact

As Shanthi looks towards the horizon, she envisions a future where social service goes beyond just addressing immediate needs. “I believe that incorporating culture and arts into social services can be a powerful way to inspire and motivate the youth of this generation,” Shanthi believes. By engaging with culture and arts, young people can express themselves creatively, learn about different perspectives, and develop a deeper appreciation for diversity.

Erram Poorna Shanthi’s story transcends the boundaries of Hyderabad. It serves as a potent reminder that even a single individual, armed with unwavering compassion and a dedication to service, can make a world of difference. Her life is a testament to the transformative power of Seva, and her vision for the future paves the way for a more inclusive and empowered society.



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