Empowering women with skills

Update: 2019-05-30 00:01 IST
Empowering women with skills

Nobody is 'bad' by birth. It's circumstances that make them like that. Thanks to FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO), 30 women in Zumerat Bazar in Dhoolpet in the city turned from "Toddy Sellers" to "Pickle Makers".

FICCI FLO Hyderabad's Agriculture initiative committee arranged recently a training program for a community in Hyderabad who was into selling toddy. 30 ladies took training for wide varieties of pickle making. This Initiative aimed at empowering them financially and also gave those women a flexibility of working from homes.


Sona Chatwani, FLO Hyderabad chairperson, motivated them to be confident, be committed to what they take up. Making homemade pickles was easier than these ladies thought. The four-hour workshop marked with their total involvement and excitement informed Sona Chatwani.

Pickle-making if used properly can become a cottage industry and can engage these women year long. People are now preparing pickles not only for their self-consumption but also to sell. Pickle-making has become a cottage industry in certain markets informed Sona Chatwani.

Pickle is the traditional food item in India. If explored properly it can be a lucrative business opportunity for these and many other women informed Sona. Since it demands a very small capital investment, it can be started by any with taking minimum risk. It can be started with very little or no infrastructure.

Market throws many opportunities as no Indian meal is complete without pickle. Besides domestic demand, there is an export market. And there are many varieties and wide scope and potential export. However, these women need to master technique and pickles that suit to different regions. So, it the easiest business our women can start as it is part of their regular domestic work.

Further FLO Hyderabad Chapter assured to help them to connect for sales through its exhibition style Tatva event to be held some time later in this year. FLO also promised to connect them through other catering services who could use pickles in bulk.

Prashanti FLO Committee Member provided her school premises and supported staff with the training program Radha Rani another member of the FLO actively pushed and help to initiative forward. Prachi Shah, another member of the FLO arranged free of cost spices from her Swastik Mirchi Store!

And the entire agriculture team of the FLO was present in full strength to support the Initiative along with mentor Manjula Reddy.



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