From stay-at-home mom to professional healer

Update: 2022-05-08 01:26 IST

Kusuma Devi Kanumuri

Many individuals believe that getting married will disrupt their careers, but Kusuma Devi Kanumuri, a mother of two who is inspiring many with her humanitarian services. Kusuma was born in Bhimavaram, West Godavari District, and now lives in Hyderabad is doing her best while providing therapeutic services to the public.

Pandemic caused a lot of changes in people, which made me realise that more healing is needed. As a result of the epidemic, many individuals lost loved ones and many relationships ended, and there are numerous concerns that people are unaware of. Before getting married, or if they can't communicate their problems with their loved ones, they should surely consult a healer. Healers will lead you along the proper road and ensure that you have clarity about your life.


Kusuma acknowledges that she had to overcome a number of challenges before entering the field of healing. "Like everyone else, I used to meditate a lot," Kusuma remarked. "But later I realised that I was merely performing spiritual bypassing instead of focusing on the underlying cause of the issue, since the troubles stay the same and no matter how much I meditate, I always trigger again." Following that, I began reading spiritual literature, practising meditation with consistency and dedication, and finally enrolled in a spiritual school in New York," recalls Kusuma, 38.

"Because we are our own masters, and with all the wisdom I've received from my masters, my aim is to help others discover the root cause of a problem and provide tools to help them solve it on their own." I'm just sharing simple self-healing tools, meditations, healing procedures, and methods to those who are ready to work on themselves and are open to healing. So I'm merely a tool to assist people in growing and improving, and I feel this is my life's purpose. I wasted years dealing with triggers and emotional imbalance instead of addressing the root of the problem," says Kusuma, who also holds a degree from Shri Vishnu Engineering College Bhimavaram.

"I completed my course in charka healing at the Om School in New York Nova, and by chance, creator Xamina revealed that they were searching for coaches for their organisation, and since I am very interested in spirituality, I agreed, and she trained us as Om Coaches, for which I worked," says Kusuma who also thankful for her masters Dr Newton, Dr Lakshmi and Vinoothna Sirga.

"When I returned to India, I started key4healing on Instagram and started taking sessions on my own. Well, my greatest achievement is giving birth to two beautiful daughters Harshini, Anjani who are my world, and I should thank them for choosing me as their mother," says Kusuma, who also holds a double certification in inner child healing, a family constellation certification, and attended past life regression therapy. It is not necessary to become a star or a politician in order to serve the country, which is why I chose Healing, which is now required in order to become a Life Coach and connect with my life mission. Healing is a comprehensive, transforming process of mind, body, and spirit repair and recovery that leads to positive change, meaning, and movement toward full self-realization, regardless of the presence or absence of sickness.

Quizzed about how healing works, she says, "Healing is a very personal, subjective experience in which an individual reconciles the meaning he or she ascribes to traumatic experiences with his or her sense of completeness as a person. Healing is a transforming process that alters an individual in both expected and unforeseen ways, resulting in the creation of a new creature. The person overcomes anguish, suffering, and sickness and transforms into a new person. People change from one state to another.

Our bodies lighten up, our intellect sharpens up, and our spirits soar. We may communicate more completely from places of love and light rather than merely pain and misery". "Being a healer entails mastering the miracle of being sensitive to another's suffering. It is to be full of the willingness to always reach out to people who are hurting, taking them up and holding them lovingly. And they have the capacity to interact and connect with others so deeply that they know how to help them feel better,' concludes Kusuma, who also gives free counseling for needy who can't afford it.



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