Help your family's health with almonds

Update: 2023-04-01 06:34 IST

Help your family's health with almonds

Almond Board of California hosted a panel discussion on 'Achieving holistic health with Ayurveda and Nutritional science' featuring celebrity fitness trainer Kiran Dembla, Nutrition & Wellness Consultant Sheela Krishnaswamy and Ayurveda expert Dr Nitika Kohli. RJ Shezzi moderated the panel.

The panelists stressed the need to prioritise health to ensure better health for every family member throughout the discussion. The panelists spoke extensively within this about the importance placed on diet, nutrition, and eating right across all different types of Indian health practices, including Ayurveda and nutritional science. The discussion also covered various prevalent health-related belief systems in India, as well as how many dietary customs are based on these beliefs and frequently handed down through the generations. During the discussion, as an example, the tradition of soaking and peeling almonds and sharing them with children, students, or elderly family members was also put forward.


The panelists also discussed the changes that have crept into Indian culture over the past few decades, particularly the growing influence of foreign cuisines that have found their way into Indian kitchens. The panelists discussed the long-term effects of consuming ultra-processed, high-calorie meals and snacks on the health of people and urged families to replace them with natural and traditionally favoured foods like almonds, millets, amaranth and red rice, among others. To help families understand how they can improve their health by incorporating lessons from Ayurveda and nutritional science, the panelists provided dietary recommendations combining these two fields of study. The panel discussed the numerous advantages of routine almond consumption, which are highlighted in Indian culture, family beliefs, historic Ayurvedic texts, and contemporary nutritional science. Almonds are commonly referred to as "Vatada" or "Badma" or "Vatma" in Ayurveda and are regarded as "madhura," or sweet, and having "snighdha" or unctuous properties. They are used appropriately in cases of dosha imbalance. They are known as "vata-pittahara" in terms of their action on doshas (Dosha Karma). They help decrease "Vata" and "Pitta" doshas and "kaphakara" because they help increase "Kapha" dosha. According to nutritional science, almonds are a healthy snack option, and years of research indicate that regularly consuming them as a part of a well-balanced meal plan, may have advantages for heart health, diabetes, weight management, and skin health, among other things.

Celebrity fitness trainer Kiran Dembla said, "Being a fitness trainer, I have known the health benefits of almonds as a natural source for being protein-rich for several years and have recommended to my clients while recommending natural foods for weight management. To ensure my family's well-being, like many other moms in India, I have created my own system where I borrow learnings passed down through my family for generations from Ayurveda and modern nutritional science. But the one food item that you will always find in my kitchen is almonds. Since I have grown up hearing about the multiple benefits of almonds, I make sure that my entire family eats a handful of these nuts daily. Also, according to a recent study conducted by David C Nieman, consuming almonds promotes muscle recovery and reduces fatigue from exercise. In addition to that, as per Ayurveda, eating almonds regularly is supposed to nourish the brain and nerve tissues and promote the intellect, making them a good snack for children."

Ayurveda Expert, Dr Nitika Kohli mentioned, "In order to live a healthier lifestyle, I believe it's critical for families in today's society to combine the knowledge of Ayurveda with that of contemporary nutritional science. A great way to start making this change is by eating a handful of almonds every day to notice the improvement over time. For thousands of years, almonds have been regarded as being beneficial to health, and as Indians, we have always relied on them for many advantages. As per Ayurveda, eating almonds regularly can improve skin health, stimulate the nervous system, and improve one's skin complexion."

Nutrition & Wellness Consultant Sheela Krishnaswamy added, "Everyone should prioritise maintaining good health, and the only way to do this is to practice healthy eating habits and munch on wholesome snacks like almonds. Eating healthfully will improve weight management and mood and reduce the risk of chronic lifestyle diseases like type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (CVD). One of the simplest foods to eat every day is almonds. Family members could soak them and eat a handful in the morning, divide them into smaller portions and eat them throughout the day, or use them to flavour various recipes. Regular consumption of almonds may also help those who are concerned about their blood sugar levels. Consuming almonds regularly may help people with type 2 diabetes to control their blood sugar levels and improve certain cardiovascular markers, according to research."



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