How to live an eco-friendly life

Update: 2022-01-06 01:08 IST

How to live an eco-friendly life

2022 is the year of sustainability! A sustainable lifestyle is not limited to utilizing metal straws, jute bags and segregating garbage. We need to adopt an environmentally friendly approach in every aspect of life including our diet. Below are easy steps you can take in order to embrace sustainable eating.

Opt for organic

I say, opt for organically grown fruits and vegetables wherever and whenever you can. Not only are you saving your body from the toxic clutches of fertilizers and insecticides but also preventing it from leaching into waterbodies and fields.


Prioritise plants

I am always emphasizing on making plant-based eating a priority. It has a positive effect on our health as well as the environment. Plant cultivation limits rain-water and waterbodies from flooding near-by areas by holding on to the water. The more plants that are grown, the lesser the deforestation.

Minimise animal products

I know, for many in the world burgers and chicken lollipops are close to their heart, but breeding and grazing of livestock puts mighty stress on water, land and energy resources when compared to plant produce.

Look local, select seasonal

I want you'll to understand that when food travels across the world to get to your plate More energy is required to transport, refrigerate and store it and often, greater quantities of packaging and chemicals are used to preserve it. Instead opt for local produce like millets.

They require the least amount of water from all grains and are considered a "super food'.

Avoid avocados

Avocado trees use up twice as much freshwater as regular trees. The rise in production and demand of avocados has caused the loss of more than 1,700 acres of land each year in Mexico, let alone the rest of the world. As avocadoes are very perishable, a large amount of energy is required to transport it.

Lean towards lentils

In India dals, sambhars and pulses are an integral part of the diet. I recommend them for not only for their nutritional benefit but also their ability to be natural soil fertilizers. Pulses contain nitrogen fixing bacteria that reduce dependency on other artificial and energy consuming processes.

Kitchen control

Sustainability doesn't end with food we eat but also includes how it's cooked. I try to ensure that my kitchen is environmentally conscious. Steaming and sautéing are energy efficient cooking method that help retain micro-nutrients as well. Limited use of multiple utensils saves water. Using every bit of fresh produce with minimal wastage should be our goal like mentioned in the recipe below. So, strive for sustainability with these simple tips and safeguard your health and the environment.     



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