The hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world

Update: 2022-05-08 01:31 IST

There is no influence in this world as powerful as that of the mother. For some of us she was a walking miracle and for many she is a Miracle of flesh and blood. She understands everything what her child doesn't say. Her smile, her stroke tells that she is there for you always, 'yours truly'. No doubt she is created with qualities such as love, sacrifice, forbearance and selfless service for her children.


She is the 'wonder woman', who always wears confidence. She gives you courage not to fear 'fire', simply become it. She is the largest reservoir of talent and is the 'heroine' of every child. She is the most glorified and considered worthy of respect and service in the entire universe. She is the one who can take place of all others but whose place no one else can take. She is irreplaceable.

Mother is the first influence. She plays an essential role as an educator in different stages of a child's life. She is the foundation from which tiny saplings flourish and develop into a tree. She is the primary care giver and value giver. She imparts the child with something valuable each day unnoticed. The first word of appreciation anything you do comes from her that acts as a morale booster to find your place in the new world. If your cognitive, social, emotional and physical skills are developed better, thanks to her.

In Hindu mythology Maata Parvati is the Goddess of love, beauty, purity, fertility and devotion. She is the mother Goddess and has many attributes and aspects. Each of her aspects is expressed with a different name, giving her over 1008 names, the popular being Durga and Gauri. Mother Goddess is the protector and nourisher of a Divine child and by extension of all humanity.

The Mother Earth is a cosmogonic figure, the eternally fruitful source of everything. She is Bhu Mata or Bhu Devi considered as a living being and the provider of all that is on the Earth. The more we take care of her the healthier the planet-and its people. Prakriti Mata, Mother Nature is personified as a creative and controlling force affecting the world and humans and worshipped.

We are humbled in front of our mother, maa, amma, mom or ammi call her by any name she is there for us ever ready to help. While mothers should be honoured all year round, 'Mother's Day, is a celebration, a festival honouring the sacrifices made by this unique creation of God, presenting her with flowers, gifts, lots of love and extra recognition.

Every year it is celebrated in the month of May on the second Sunday and this year it falls on 8th.The present -day celebrations of Mother's Day began in the year 1908 when Anna Jarvis organized a memorial for her mother. Ann Jarvis, was a peace activist who used to care the wounded soldiers of the American civil war.

The event was held at the Saint Andrews Methodist Church in Grafton, West Virginia, which currently holds the International Mother's Day shrine. Anna Jarvis began the task of getting support for the celebration of Mother's Day in the U.S in 1905 after her mother died in the same year. Due to her continuous efforts, most of the U.S states by 1911 started celebrating Mother's Day as a special day. It's just a day which makes people remember the importance and significance of mothers and motherly figures in their life.

When mothers ask, 'do you want a piece of advice'? It is a mere formality. It does not matter if, you say yes or no. You are going to get it anyway. Every mother is a great adviser. Her love and her influence on children, is beyond calculation. "A mother is a person who, seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie".

Mother is a bank where you can deposit all your hurts and worries. This bank has no holidays. Sometimes all a mother needs, is a little inspiration. Tell her she means the world to you. Mother's hold their children's hands for a while but their hearts forever. Itruly never learned what the words 'I miss you' were until I reached for my mother's hand and it wasn't there.



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