Vibha Tripathi: Finds life in water

Update: 2023-04-30 06:52 IST

Why is it critical to encourage entrepreneurship in India, particularly among women?

Encouraging entrepreneurship in India has numerous benefits, including boosting the economy, creating jobs, and promoting innovation. However, it is especially critical to encourage entrepreneurship among women for several reasons:

Gender equality: Women entrepreneurs can contribute to economic growth and sustainability by creating innovative solutions and ideas. Encouraging women entrepreneurs not only promotes gender equality but also provides financial independence and empowers them to take control of their lives.


Job creation: Women entrepreneurs can help create jobs for other women and men, especially in industries that traditionally discriminate against women. This, in turn, can contribute to reducing the gender pay gap.

Social impact: Women entrepreneurs tend to focus on solving social and environmental issues, which can positively impact society. For example, they may start businesses that promote sustainable farming practices or support women’s education.

Economic growth: Encouraging women entrepreneurs can increase economic growth. According to a report by Mckinsey Global Institute, advancing gender equality could add $770 billion to India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2025.

Encouraging entrepreneurship among women can significantly impact India’s economy and society as a whole, promoting gender equality, job creation, social change, and economic growth.

Vibha Tripathi, founder of the company Boon which is a water tech startup is an ex IITian and holds a PhD Degree in research and development of solar energy. She is also a social entrepreneur working in the energy and water sector. Vibha has developed Water ATMs that are deployed in the villages of Rajasthan, Haryana, Chattisgarh etc to provide clear drinking water at free or minimal cost.

In an exclusive conversation with Hans India, Vibha Tripathi speaks about her journey. Let’s have a look into it.

How has the journey been for you so far?

Having been born and raised in a conservative household in Delhi, I had to fight to turn my dreams into reality. I come from a generation where mostly men studied engineering. As a result, I had to break the stereotype by graduating from an engineering college to prove that women can do better in any field of their choosing, whether it be finance, technology or banking, etc.

After completing my education, I worked as a Researcher at IIT Kanpur. Coming from an academic and protected background, I must admit that it was challenging to shift into being a businesswoman because we had to work with dutiful people.

How is Boon aiding sustainability?

Our machines use less electricity and generate less wastewater than traditional water purifiers. We are also pushing plastic aside and enabling our customers to offer drinking water in premium glass bottles instead of bottled water in plastic. Our system also enables hotels to offer a zero-mile delivery system, thereby eliminating the need to transport bottled water in plastic over several hundred if not thousand kilometers, effectively reducing fossil fuel emissions as well. In 2022, Boon reduced carbon emissions estimated by 548,459 kgs, equivalent to the amount of carbon 26,117 average mature trees would absorb in one year. This can also be understood as reducing 182,928 kgs of plastic, equivalent to 435 million straws, or 6,874,406 km of reduced driving distance, equivalent to traveling 172 times around the Earth’s equator.

What obstacles did you encounter as a female entrepreneur in the tech industry?

One of my biggest challenges was not being taken seriously in the industry. One of the incidents I can recall was when I had just started Boon. Getting funding from banks or investors was difficult because they thought women could not talk or understand finances well. Getting through to them and proving my worth was challenging.

How do you plan to inspire more women to join the tech sector, and what ideas do you want to bring to the table as a female leader?

Creating a supportive and inclusive environment is vital to attracting and retaining more women in the tech sector. Companies should encourage diversity, challenge bias, and create mentorship and career development opportunities.

What tips and guidance do you have for young female entrepreneurs?

If you want to be successful, you can’t be afraid to make waves. Push the boundaries, step outside your comfort zone, and don’t be scared to try something even if it hasn’t been done before. Don’t worry about the people that tell you it’s not possible or try to hold you down. Things really happen when you dream bigger and push yourself harder.

What was the motivation behind founding a water business?

We want to make drinking water sustainable using technology and innovation. We started Boon (at that time Swajal) with the simple intention of producing drinking water affordable for the masses as we believed that drinking water is a fundamental human right and without drinking water that is affordable and healthy, our community, as we know, will not be able to survive.

What is the key to your ability to manage a prosperous company?

The key to a successful and prosperous company lies in effective management. Effective management includes a combination of various factors, such as; Clear Vision and Strategy, Strong Leadership, Talented Team, Customer Focus, Effective Execution, Innovation. Managing a prosperous company requires a thorough understanding of the market, competitors, and customers.



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