Are skills getting priority in our education system ?

Update: 2022-05-26 00:56 IST

Skill development is in demand

The current world demands skill-based education rather than the degrees or diplomas. In this 21st century skill-based education is most important but our education system is more academic centric. Still we are making the child to rot learning and writing exams about the year-long syllabus. It is very important to teach skill-based education to children from their early age as it brings the positive impact in their future. Skill-based education promotes greater independence through high-level thinking and also it helps to faster learning with multiple ways of absorbing information. Skill-based education will definitely ensure better and productive human resources. Children are better in to grasp and learn new skills at an early ages and when exposed to new experience through skill development they become more creative and imaginative. Skill-based education develops an art of learning too.


-Narra Jyothi Basu, Assistant Professor, Indira Mahindra School of Education, Mahindra University, Hyderabad

Skilled grad will have bright future

The education system should focus on skill development rather than degrees. Degree may help anyone to get a gate pass for a job interview to some extent. But, ultimately the skills of a grad plays a major role in his recruitment. A skilled grad will have a bright future in his career, and is expected to reach pinnacle in his chosen field. Many multinational companies that offer lucrative packages bank on a person's industry-ready skills rather than just degrees and percentage. These companies search for sheer skills during the campus selections. The need of the hour is skill-based education. There is an imperative need to focus on skill development rather than churning out grads in thousands.

-K Kiran Kumar, Associate Professor, NIT, Warangal

Skill development should be encouraged

From my childhood, I am hearing that India is developing country, even after 30 years, still our country is in the list of developing countries due to rulers' nelson eye on education field. This pitiful situation is due to lack of skills and communication skills. First this problem has to be addressed by introducing an adoptive education system with 80 percent practical 20 percent theory. At the same time the minister for education in the Centre and States should be a scholar and should be nominated by president and governors of respective States.

-A Bhaskar, Law student, Nalgonda

Students should develop skills

Knowledge, skills and attitude are three important areas that a student should be trained under Outcome Based Education (OBE) framework. The buzzword in the industry these days 'disruptive innovation' makes it imperative for the students to give the so called 'Skill Development', its due importance. With the kind of technological revolution that the current era is visualising, one should always be vigilant and get trained with appropriate skill set all through the career to keep it sustainable and safe. Teaching aptitude and passion towards teaching were sufficient once. But today, a faculty should be well versed with presentation skills, active learning techniques and usage of internet and online platforms for online teaching in the current scenario. Therefore I strongly stress on the skill development training to the students.

-Kesava Vamsi Krishna V. Associate Professor in Physics, Malla Reddy Engineering College, Hyderabad



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