Digital Vidya Expands Educational Frontier with Launch of Digital Marketing Courses in Hyderabad

Update: 2023-09-20 15:58 IST

Digital Vidya, the prominent professional training firm in Asia, is expanding its online courses in digital marketing in Hyderabad. This expansion presents exceptional local training prospects for residents, offering a blend of convenience and quality to propel careers in the swiftly evolving realm of digital marketing.

Explore a comprehensive syllabus covering SEO, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Google AdWords, Analytics, and more. This meticulously crafted program, cocreated with Meta, LinkedIn, and NASSCOM, offers professionals and students an enriching educational journey. Embrace a well-rounded learning experience that empowers you for success!


A trailblazer in the realm of digital marketing education, Digital Vidya rocks!

Digital Vidya has established itself as a renowned provider of innovative digital marketing education. With over a decade of expertise, they consistently deliver excellent instruction and foster a community of skilled digital marketers. Since its inception in 2009, Digital Vidya has become the top choice for professional training in Asia, offering cutting-edge skills and unwavering commitment to quality.

Digital Vidya is a global leader in professional empowerment, teaching over 95,000 individuals from 55+ countries in digital marketing. With a focus on hands-on learning and real-world scenarios, their comprehensive training equips students with valuable skills. They also provide placement assistance and include tools worth INR 72,000+ in their training package.

Digital Vidya boasts a faculty of ten+ experienced Digital Marketing specialists, each with an average tenure of eighteen years. With a focus on nurturing the next generation of digital marketing professionals, they provide dedicated placement support. Collaborating closely with renowned digital marketing firms, their specialized placement cell assists students in securing interviews and job opportunities.

Participant Testimonials: Hear from Those Who’ve Experienced Digital Vidya's Excellence Firsthand

The achievements of Digital Vidya's graduates, such as Saikat Pradhan, a Senior Business Development Executive at Renaissance, truly showcase the success of the organization. Saikat generously shares his invaluable expertise, underscoring the profound impact of the journey, stating:

"I had a Digitalnice experience in Digital Marketing Course. It has good content coverage and I got good support from the DV team."

Abhinay Patil, a former student of PayTM, shares his insights and reflections as a Team Leader, highlighting his valuable experience.

"I enjoyed learning a lot of new things in Digital Marketing. Thanks to all my Trainers & Digital Vidya’s team."

Digital Vidya's Strategic Expansion into Hyderabad: A Much-Needed Move

Digital Vidya has been steadily growing in the digital marketing space since its inception. Its most recent expansion to Hyderabad marks an exciting new chapter for the organization and provides a much-needed opportunity for aspiring digital marketers.

Hyderabad serves as a hub for numerous startups and IT firms. Recognizing the growing need for skilled digital marketers, Digital Vidya offers an exceptional digital marketing course in Hyderabad. This sought-after program aims to meet the demand for qualified professionals in the field, ensuring excellence in the ever-evolving world of digital marketing.

The goal of the Digital Marketing Courses in Hyderabad is to provide professionals with the information, abilities, and practical experience they need to succeed in the field of digital marketing. Particularly designed for people who wish to pursue careers in digital marketing, are the online courses.

The course provides hands-on training with case studies and real projects, covering key competencies in digital marketing like PPC advertising, content marketing, SEO, and online reputation management.

Digital Vidya emphasizes practical learning through over 140 hours of projects and homework, simulating real-world scenarios to prepare students for industry challenges. They also offer extensive placement assistance for a smooth transition into the professional world.

The training includes tools valued at INR 72,000+ and is taught by a faculty of over 10 digital marketing experts. Digital Vidya is committed to nurturing the next generation of professionals and works closely with leading digital marketing firms to secure interviews and jobs for students.

CDMM Course: An Ideal Fit for Students, Professionals, and Marketers Alike

Digital Vidya’s Certified Digital Marketing Master Course (CDMM) is the ideal fit for students, professionals, entrepreneurs, marketers, and digital marketers looking to enhance their skill set.

The expansion to Hyderabad offers exciting opportunities for professionals and students to excel in digital marketing. With Digital Vidya's courses, individuals can establish successful careers and launch their own companies in the digital industry. Students gain an advantage through up-to-date course materials tailored to meet industry requirements.

Digital Vidya is widely respected by industry experts for its high-caliber courses and extensive knowledge. Aparna Lal, the marketing lead at Global Demand Center, praised Digital Vidya for effectively preparing people for the digital age.

Virginia Sharma, a former director of LinkedIn Marketing Solutions, added that Digital Vidya's work is crucial in assisting traditional companies and marketers in their digital transformation.

Digital Vidya's expansion to Hyderabad opens up opportunities for professionals and students to access its services. With a focus on digital marketing, their courses provide a competitive edge in the market and pave the way for prosperous careers. From the Certified Digital Marketing Master Course to specialized programs, Digital Vidya empowers individuals at all levels to enhance their digital marketing knowledge. Join now and take your career to the next level!

Pioneering the Digital Landscape: Meet the Founders of Digital Vidya

Digital Vidya, led by visionary executives, is a pioneering entity. Their commitment to staying ahead of the curve and adapting to the rapidly evolving digital landscape sets them apart. With cutting-edge training programs and invaluable skills, Digital Vidya empowers individuals to thrive in the digital era.

Pradeep Chopra has been an exceptional leader in the Internet industry since 2000, establishing himself as a prominent figure in the world of digital marketing. He has an impressive background, including a degree from IIT Delhi and the prestigious Adobe Content100 award. His creative leadership has played a vital role in the company's remarkable growth.

His captivating speeches on digital marketing and entrepreneurship have established him as an in-demand speaker who consistently captivates audiences across the globe.

Kapil Nakra, CEO of Digital Vidya, has played a key role in developing cutting-edge products and innovative delivery strategies. With a background at IIT Delhi and a successful business path, Nakra's leadership style is simple and curious, promoting novel ideas and fostering a culture of creative problem-solving.

As a frequent speaker at online marketing conferences and events, he effortlessly engages audiences with his passion for business and online marketing. Referring to the company, he emphasizes Digital Vidya's commitment to providing an exceptional training environment, enabling students to enhance their skills and secure their dream jobs in digital marketing.

A Bright Future Awaits Digital Marketing Students in Hyderabad after Completing Courses

Digital Vidya’s students in Hyderabad are standing at the precipice of a prosperous future. Hyderabad fondly referred to as "Cyberabad," has emerged as a prominent hub for technology and innovation in India. The influx of major tech giants and the vibrant startup scene is creating a thriving digital space, teeming with opportunities for well-trained digital marketing professionals. Digital Vidya, with its high-quality, comprehensive courses, is the launchpad that can propel these aspirants into this dynamic digital landscape.

The city is a melting pot of technological innovations, hosting a diverse array of tech startups and multinational corporations. The robust growth of the technology sector in Hyderabad has resulted in a significant increase in the demand for digital marketing professionals. These professionals are expected to have an in-depth understanding of the digital landscape, capable of leveraging their skills to maximize a company's online presence.

Digital Vidya offers rigorous training programs that equip students with the knowledge and skills to excel in the field of digital marketing. With a wide range of subjects covered, from SEO to social media, students are well-prepared to navigate the digital marketing landscape and contribute to online growth strategies. In Hyderabad's thriving tech scene, aspiring digital marketers can find promising opportunities with the support of Digital Vidya. The future looks bright for those embarking on this exciting journey.


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