Investment in people - A pragmatic approach

Update: 2021-03-21 02:10 IST

Human resource management is the strategic approach to the effective management of people in a company or organization to help businessess gain an upper hand or competitiveness.

The three phases of human resources management are acquisition of latent talent, development and termination. These phases are also known as the pre-hiring phase, the training phase, and the post-hiring phase.


HRM goals

l HRM Goal oriented

l Tapping the potential of human re resources.

l Employee recognition

l High in morale, well trained motivated staff.

HR management helps bridge the gap between employees' performance and the organisation's strategic objectives.

Key ingredients

l Empathy

l Integrity & Patience

l Leadership

l Social Responsibility

l Good Communication Skills

Brains just like the hearts love recognition. Money is just a requirement but can never buy an employee's loyalty. Recognition is a high value for every employee; that's why employees look for other options when sidelined or unrecognized. Happy employees mean happy customers and profit growth.

Many people are unmotivated, not because they have a great reason to be, but rather because their leaders have not given them a great reason to be motivated & engaged. Engage and motivate your people to get A's not Z's.

As of engagement drive of employees, yes we need to pay people more - pay them more attention!

Employee retention strategies

l Competitive Remuneration

l Employers - Great Soothers

l Need of the hour - Leaders not Bosses

l Eye-watch on Managers

l Employee Engagement mandatory

l Be an emerging frontier Brand.

Customer retention is the collection of activities a business uses to increase the number of repeat customers and to increase the profitability of each existing customer. Customer retention strategies enable you to both provide and extract more value from your existing customer base.

When people go to work, they shouldn't have to leave their hearts at home.

In order to build a rewarding employee experience, you need to understand what matters most to your people. At the end of the day, you bet on people not on strategies. Train people well enough so they can leave. Treat them well enough so they don't have to.

As a leader, you should always strive for continuous learning and personal development. One smart habit to adopt is a morning routine: highest achievers have one. Try waking up early to begin the day with positive thoughts and some reading to help you improve yourself.

"Every good conversation starts with listening." – Tom Haak

Be a sympathetic and proactive resource and be ready to respond to complaints and suggestions. One of the 7 deadly HR sins is failing to be action-oriented.

As PI Recruiter Will Otto said, "If you ask managers to come to you about performance issues, you need to be ready to follow-up with the right people." When people go to work, they shouldn't have to leave their hearts at home.

As HR leader, your list of responsibilities goes way beyond arranging benefits and having tough conversations about employee behavior or performance. Make sure your employees know that you care about them as human beings by focusing a good portion of your efforts on facilitating an enviably engaging, high -performing, and fulfilling company culture. In order to build a rewarding employee experience, you need to understand what matters most to your people.

If you want to build a better company culture and working environment for your employees, go straight to the source and ask your people what they want and need. Schedule a 1:1 meeting, send a survey, or have a casual conversation. Use the insights you collect to move forward with the changes that matter most to your people.

You can also have all the employees at your organization take a behavioral assessment. Not only will this help you understand their natural drives (which manifest as the behaviors you experience in the workplace, providing employees with their behavioral report will help build self-awareness of their strengths and caution areas.


l Get Right Person for Right Job

l A new Experience of Human Resource

l Understanding HR needs Better

l Choose the best from Best.

l Understand what drives people so you can unlock your company's potential.

l Build your skills, not your resume

l Reading is the gateway skill that makes all other learning possible

l Schooling doesn't assure employment but skill does.

l The best yardstick for our progress is not other people, but ourselves.

l Life is like a tango; fortunate are the few who can master it.

l Excellence is not a skill, it's an attitude.



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